
PACS - CPACS - Hemo Implementation Specialist - Nashville, TENNESSEE at Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Email: [email protected]

Shaik Saleem,

Ark Infotech Spectrum

[email protected]

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Note: Candidates will be required to work on-site at primary hospital and able to travel to secondary locations

Role: PACS Admin / App Support

Location: Nashville, TENNESSEE


Position: PACS / CPACS Support (Local on-site support)

Sr. Analyst: Minimum of 5 years of experience

Skills required:

Must live local to customer sites.

Knowledge of the HL7 / DICOM standard in theory and practice.

Basic knowledge of database structures and can create database queries (e.g. SQL).

Understanding of diagnostic images and workflows with Hospital Information Systems (HIS / EMR) and Radiological Information Systems (RIS).

Structured and independent way of working.

Strong team player and the willingness for further training

Good written and spoken communication skills.

Must be able to demonstrate a minimum of 5 years experience in the following applications:

Indiana (Indianapolis area)

Radiology Medical Imaging:

Change Health / McKesson HMI

Cardiology Medical Imaging / Hemo

Change Health CPACS / Hemo

Fuji Synapse Prosolv

Tennessee (Nashville area)

Radiology Medical Imaging:

Merative Merge

Cardiology Medical Imaging / Hemo

Merge Cardio / Hemo

Skills preferred:

Basic knowledge of current server operating systems, virtual environments, and networks as well as the safe handling of client hardware / software

Working knowledge of VPN (virtual private network) and NAT (network address translation) technologies.

Knowledge / experience using ServiceNow ITSM.

Typical Day to day tasks:

Rounding - Provide elbow support to providers / clinicians.

Maintaining, managing, and troubleshooting of the PACS / CPACS systems.

Managing and implementing the storage of all received digital images from a variety of sources to build and maintain routing solutions for diagnostic images.

Developing and planning strategies and providing technical support.

Serving as a point of contact for the further development and improvement of a system in a medical facility.

Support multiple systems such as Merge PACS, InteleRad PACS, McKesson PACS, Laurel Bridge, DICOM Systems, Fuji Synapse PACS

Install, configure and administer the connection of modalities in the existing network

Jointly responsible for the administration of user profiles

Managing the updating and archiving of image data

Managing supplier relationships and maintaining technology

Collaborate with the IT infrastructure team to communicate storage and compute needs for the PACS applications

Keywords: information technology
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Thu Jan 04 22:02:00 UTC 2024

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