
Postgres SQL at Remote, Remote, USA
Email: benchsales11@googlegroups.com
Role: Postgres

9+ Years

: Berkley Heights, NJ (Onsite)

Need EST zone consultants

Set and responsibilities required:

DBA working experience with PostgreSQL open source and good
understanding of other RDBMS such as Sybase, Oracle and MS SQL server

Experience in migrating DB2/ Sybase/ Oracle databases to PostgreSQL

Experienced in setting up PostgreSQL clusters and supporting HA/DR

Strong skills in UNIX / Linux Shell Scripting

Experience in building high-scalable clusters, failover and hot
standby solutions based on Maximum available architecture

Experience in architecting, configuring, setting up Enterprise Fail
over manager or similar technology for High availability solution

Experience in leading efforts related to system and SQL performance
tuning and assisting business process integration with various data

Ability to work well with development and infrastructure teams in
doing database design, changes and enhancement to new and existing

Proven ability to provide High Availability and Disaster Recovery


Keywords: information technology microsoft New Jersey
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Fri Jan 05 02:35:00 UTC 2024

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