
Local Only: Junior QA Tester // Princeton, NJ OR Atlanta, GA (Onsite) at Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Email: [email protected]
Junior QA

6+ Months

Princeton, NJ
OR Atlanta, GA

$35/hr c2c

Required Skills

Proven experience as a manual QA tester for software and hardware products;
automated testing is a plus but not a requirement

Knowledge of software testing methodologies, tools, and best practices

Knowledge of various hardware (PC, Laptop, Chromebook, iPhone/iPad) and
operating systems (Windows, MacOS, iOS preferred / Linux and ChromeOS a plus
but not a requirement)

Familiarity with hardware interfaces and protocols, such as USB, HDMI,
Ethernet, etc.

Ability to write clear and concise test documentation

Excellent troubleshooting and problem-solving skills

Attention to detail and quality orientation

Strong communication and teamwork skills

Ability to clearly articulate messages to a variety of audiences

Ability to establish and maintain strong relationships

Ability to work effectively at all levels in an organization

Ability to establish and maintain strong relationships

Flexible and adaptable; able to work in ambiguous situations

Resilient and tenacious with a propensity to persevere

Forward looking with a holistic approach

Must be a team player and able to work collaboratively with and through others

Acute business acumen and understanding of organizational issues and challenges

Familiarity with project management approaches, tools and phases of the project

An understanding of large-scale organizational change efforts and adoption

Change management certification or designation desired (optional)

Thanks and Regards

Vinod Kumar

ST Global LLC

Fax: 206-319-4579

[email protected]


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Keywords: quality analyst information technology Georgia New Jersey
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