
Vikas Nimmala - Full Stack Java Developer
[email protected]
Location: Remote, Remote, USA
Relocation: Yes
Visa: GC
Vikas Nimmala
Full Stack Java Developer
[email protected]


Around 10 years of professional experience in developing Cross-Platform application development with exposure to all the stages in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including gathering requirements, analysis of requirements, software design, development, testing and maintenance of web applications using JAVA/J2EE technologies.
Worked in challenging environments by following different methodologies like Agile/Scrum, Test Driven Development, and Waterfall model and used JIRA as a tracking tool for the sprints.
Hands on experience in rendering large data sets on the application view using ReactJS andFront-End technologies like Angular 9, Angular 8, Angular 6, ReactJS, NodeJS, JavaScript, SQL, Type Script, HTML5, CSS3/4, Bootstrap, jQuery, Flink, Tag Libraries, AJAX, Micro-Front end.
Experience in building Responsive web pages using multiple technologies.
Experience in implementing Dynamic Single Page Application (SPA) with the help of Angular React Spring full stack development tool kit.
Expertise in back-end development using Core Java, Collections, Spring, Hibernate, JDBC, SpringJDBC, SpringJPA, Struts, Webservices, REST(JAX-RS), SOAP(JAX-WS), SQL.
Hands on Experience in designing and developing in J2EE for Linux/Unix environments using persistence framework like Hibernate and SpringJPA.
Extensive experience in Spring frameworks such as b, Spring transaction Management, Spring Data, Spring Batch, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud, Spring Data Rest.
Implemented front end using JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Ajax.
Implemented SOAP and REST Services utilizing Spring MVC and JAX-RS and created unit test cases for REST endpoints utilizing Junit, Mockito and Spring Test. Used Postman to test web services. Experience inDeployment Automation and Containerization (Docker, Kubernetes).
Experience in Micro services development using spring boot and deployment in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF).
Experience in building applications using various technologies like Spring, Hibernate, EJB, and JPA.
Strong understanding of Microservice patterns - Hystrix, Aggregator, Proxy chaining.
Core development experience for Groovy Grails restful web services.
Good experience in developing customized policies in APIGEEEdge and developing API's in Apereas.
Experience in database modelling, design and development of PL/SQL stored procedures, packages in relational databases.
Experienced in writing unit test cases using Junit, Testing, Mockito and Wrote JUnit Test Cases for environments.
Experience in API Gateways like Amazon API, Oracle API Gatewayand Apigee API gateway.
Good working knowledge of Ant, Jenkins, Maven, and AWS for project build/test/deployment, logging.
JUnit for unit and integration testing.
Two pieces of date/time information cannot be represented by numbers, the chronology and the time-zone. These can be accessed via queries using the static methods defined on Temporal Query.
Strong experience in XML, XSD, XPATH, XSLT for generating dynamic web content using XSL for formatting.
Excellent working knowledge and thorough exposure on compatibility issues with different versions of browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome.
Proficient in Quality Control, ensuring defect-free releases, correct entry maintenance in Design Docs, UI specs, Test Cases, Traceability Matrix.
Experience in installing and developingELK.
Experience in CI CD pipelines to integrate Java code to align with DevOps using Docker.
Experienced in developing UML diagrams like use cases, class diagrams and sequence diagrams using Rational Rose.
I have good experience working among databases like MySQL, Mongo DB, PostgreSQL, Couch base Configured Cloud message brokers like RabbitMQ, Kafka between micro services.
Hands on exposure with multiple Application Servers like BEA Web Logic Application Server, Apache Tomcat, Web Sphere and JBoss.
Experience in working with WebLogic Portal 8.1, 9.2, 10.2, 10.3.
Experience with Docker containers, micro AMI s to create Docker images/containers and Kubernetes container orchestration system.
Designed and implemented AWS EC2 Server setup and deployment, build, maintenance, and configuration of various AWS resources like, EC2, S3, Lambda, ECS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancers, VPC, and IAM Security Groups that are utilized for different environments like dev, testing, Production.
Experience in browser testing with good knowledge of cross-browser/cross-platform compatibility.
Expertise in using Apache Kafka in cluster as messaging system between the APIs and micro services.
Extensively used the repositories and version control tools like Git, Subversion, CVS and SVN.
Delivered architectural designs and solutions for different cloud services like public, private and hybrid clouds, covering the cloud architecture tiers and portfolios of cloud services IaaS, PaaS, SaaS.
Experience in using build/deploy tools such as Jenkins, Docker, and AWS for Continuous Integration & Deployment for Micro services.
Worked with Behavior Driven Development process and Test-Driven Development (TDD).
Experience in messaging handling services like Apache Kafka, JMS and RabbitMQ.
Has very strong exposure on Performance using Load Runner and JMeter.
Excellent skills in programming using a wide variety of languages and the ability to adapt to new latest technologies and work in a multi-platform environment.

Languages Java 1.8, J2EE
Web Technologies SERVLETS 3.1, JSP 3.0, JavaBeans 3.0, Java Servlet API 3.0
Frameworks Spring 4.3/5, Hibernate 4.3, Angular 6/8/9, Spring Security 4.0
Application/Web servers Apache Tomcat 8/9, IBM Web Sphere 8.0/9.0, Jetty, Jenkins 2.50, Web Sphere MQ 7.5
Relational Databases Oracle 12c, 10g/11g, SQL server, MySQL 5.7, DB2 11.1
NoSQL Databases Mongo DB, Cassandra, Couch DB
Internet Technologies HTML 5, JavaScript 1.8, XML 2.0, CSS 3 and CSS 4, jQuery 2.11, Angular 2.0, BackBone.JS 1.3.1, Polymer.JS, Node JS 6.0.
Cloud Environments Azure, AWS, Netflix Eureka, Mesos, Kubernetes.
IDE Eclipse, Net Beans 8.0.2, IntelliJ 2017.1, Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.8.3
Operating system Windows 10, Linux Mint 18.1, Unix
Bug tracking Tools JUNIT4.12, JIRA 7.0, Bugzilla 4.4.12, Curl 7.36
Reporting Tools Jasper Reports 6.0, Crystal Reports XI, SSRS 5.0
Methodologies Agile, waterfall, TDD (Test-Driven-Development), Scrum
Developer IDE Platforms Eclipse, Edit plus, Notepad ++, JBuilder, Net Beans 8.0.2, IntelliJ 2017.1, Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.8.3, GITHUB 2.12.0, MS Office
Build Tools Ant 1.10, Maven 3.3.9, Gradle 3.4.1
Web Services SOAP 1.2, REST 2.0, JAX-WS, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS


Client: Apple, MAY 2021 Till Date
Location: CA (Remote)
Role: Full Stack Java Developer

Involved in various phases of SDLC such as requirement gathering, modeling, analysis, architecture design anddevelopment and the project was developed using Agile Methodologies.
Extensively used Java8 and Java11features such as lambda expressions, Parallel operations on collections, multithreading,and effective sorting mechanisms.
Used Angular 9 and Bootstrap as the front-end framework, with Typescript, CSS3, and HTML5.
Enhanced application performance by Angular 9 Component based development in view of future Angular framework transitions.
Used Angular Template Driven forms and Modern Driven (Reactive) forms to perform form validations both on server and client side.
Designed, developed, and deployed the applications including user interface and their backend components using Java, J2EE, Angular 9, and Spring Boot.
Framework-level interface defining read-write access to a temporal object, such as a date, time, offset or some combination of these.
Worked on Angular version upgrade from Angular9 to Angular12.
Used Spring Boot for building application with Spring initializers and bootstrapping the build configuration and develop custom solutions that act upon Jenkins information in authentic time.
Recommend development strategy for integrating internal security model into new projects with Spring Security and Spring Boot.
Having Strong expertise with RDBMS (PostgreSQL, SQLite, etc.,) and SQL.
Strong experience in All Hadoop and Spark ecosystems include Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Flume, Kafka, Cassandra, Spark SQL, Spark Streaming, SparkR and Flink.
Strong programming skills in designing and implementation of multi-tier applications using web-based technologies like Spring MVC and Spring Boot.
Implemented Spring boot micro services to process the messages into the Kafka cluster setup.
Have knowledge on partition of Kafka messages and setting up the replication factors in Kafka Cluster.
Implemented OAuth2 to secure RESTful API and generated tokens, refreshed tokens, Accessed tokens.
Implemented Kafka producer and consumer applications on Kafka cluster setup with help of Zookeeper.
Plans and coordinates the administration of PostgreSQLdatabases to ensure accurate, appropriate, and effective use of data, including database definition, structure, documentation, long - range requirements, and operational guidelines.
Responsible for configuring, integrating, and maintaining all Development, QA, Staging and Production PostgreSQL databases within the organization.
Enhanced application performance by Angular Component based development in view of future Angular framework transitions.
Worked closely with QA team and fixed QA bugs as well as production issues within a quicker time.
Proficient in AWS services like ECS, EC2, S3, Route 53, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), KMS client, AWS encryption SDK.
Configured AWS CLI and performed necessary actions on the AWS Architectusing shell scripting.
Utilized AWS CLI to automate backups of ephemeral data-stores to S3 buckets and EBS.
Extensively worked on Jenkins to implement continuous integration (CI) and Continuous deployment (CD)processes.
Developed custom Jenkins jobs/pipelines that contained Bash shell scripts utilizing the AWS CLI to automate infrastructure provisioning.
Used Junit for unit testing and implemented with Log4j to provide logs of exceptions.
Initiated and troubleshot Continuous Delivery builds in Jenkins via JIRA tickets.
Responsible for installation & configuration of Jenkins to support various Java builds and Jenkins plugins to automate continuous builds and publishing Docker images to the Nexus repository.
Experienced in working with version control systems like GIT and used Source code management client tools like GitBash, GitHub, Git Lab.
Worked with NoSQL databases such as Mongo DB.
Worked on writing Mongo scripts for adding new data into existing collection.
Involved in unit testing, peer code review process and strongly followed coding standards.

Environment: Java8, java 11 Angular 9, Spring boot, Flink, Kafka, PostgreSQL, Webservices - REST, GIT, Jira, IntelliJ, AWS, S3, ECS, EC2, AWS Key Management Services, Docker, Jenkins CI/CD, Agile methodology, Splunk, mongo DB.

Client: US Bank SEP 2019 April 2021
Minneapolis, MN
Role: Java Developer

Involved in analysis, design, and implementation and testing phases of SDLC through AgileMethodology.
Performed the detailed design of application and technology architecture components and classes.
Designed and coded application components in an Agile/TDD environment utilizing a test-driven development and SDET approach and Pair-Programming.
Developed powerful Single Page Application and dynamic responsive Web Application with React JS.
Designed and developed the RESTful web services using the JAX-RS API to communicate over the network.
Designed, developed, and testedJava8,HTML5, CSS4,Typescript, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Vue.jsthat meets accessibility and web browser standards for website.
Good Experience in batch or stream processing systems (Apache Spark or Flink or Akka or Storm or Spring Batch).
Implemented Hibernate Template to great extent making use of HQL, Named Parameters, Named Queries, and interfaces such as Expression, Query, and Criteria.
Implemented the Drag and Drop functionality using React-Draggable.
Used React-Autocomplete for creating Google map s location search on the webpage Added Excel-Builder to download the Tabular data in Excel format using react.
Used Java 8 Method References feature to point to methods by their names and used functional Interfaces.
Using Java8 developed several API s as per the business cases and analyses the current API with SpringBoot.
Used Hibernate Transaction Management, Hibernate Batch Transactions and Hibernate Cache Concepts.
Developed all REST APIs using Hystrix commands and Feign clients for fault tolerance, handling fallback mechanisms.
Designed and implemented an application using Spring Boot, Spring IOC, Spring transactions, Dependency Injection, Spring Annotations, Spring AOP, Spring Actuator, Spring Container managed transactions, Hibernate.
Worked on Jenkins for the Continuous integration and Continuous Deployment.
Developed Restful API's using APIGEE platform.
Worked in using React Components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations, and Flux concept.
Responsible for React UI and architecture. Building components library, including Tree, Slide-View, and Table Grid.
Integrated Swagger UI and wrote integration test along with REST document.
Worked on AWS Cloud watch and AWS ALB for Load balancing and worked on ELB for the performance testing.
Used Microservice architecture with Spring Boot based services interacting through REST.
Used Git for version control and JIRA for bug tracking, project management and Maven as build tool. Worked closely with QA team and fixed QA bugs as well as production issues with a quick turnaround time.
Worked with modules like Mongo DB and mongoose for database persistence using Node.js to interact with Mongo DB.
Handled operations and maintenance support for AWS Architect resources which includes launching, maintaining, and troubleshooting EC2 instances, S3 buckets, Auto Scaling. Also created snapshots for data to store in AWS S3.
Administered and deployed applications into Web Sphere Application Server.
Extensively used different Spring modules like Spring Boot, Spring Core, Spring JPA, Spring Rest and Spring Cloud.
Utilized Spring DataRest for dynamically filter collection resources that allows to hook into the handling of REST requests by handling SpringApplicationEvents.
Worked on Rest Web services for backend services, used Couch base DB (NoSQL) for database services.
Implemented swagger in project for API design, build, document, and consume RESTful Web services.
Used JPA to implement Service and Repository layers.
Implemented CI CD pipelines using Jenkins and built and deploy the applications.
Developed Test Cases and performed unit test.
Used CI tool Jenkins to automate the compilation and implemented continuous delivery with Docker to run all the tests cases before generating war file.
Modularized frontend CSS and JS code with Sass built a real time mouse/click user analytics web service with Node.js.
Created JSON request and validated the response using postman Interceptor and SwaggerUI.
Used Log4J 2 for logging and tracing messages.
Template and Hibernate Template to perform the database operations by connecting to Data sources available.
Technologies utilized include various J2EE technologies like Hibernate, and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for designing services interface.
Responsible for writing the Design Specifications for the generic and application specific web services in Groovy n Grails.
Configured Cucumber Report Plugin and Performance Plugin to Jenkins to generate html test reports.
Improved performance of the tables through load testing using Cassandra stress tool.Used the Java API to load the data into Cassandra Clusters.
Configuring infrastructure for deployment of Middleware application through APIGEE.
Troubleshooting and monitoring API proxies running on Apigee using Trace tool.
Worked with Docker to deploy Micro services in modern containers to increase Isolation.
Used GIT for version control and involved in writing the build scripts using Maven.
Worked with NoSQL databases such as Mongo DB.
Design complex SQL Queries, stored procedures & triggers on SQL Server database.
Used Stored Procedures for applications that needed to be executed as part of a scheduling mechanisms.
Involved in understanding SDLC using Agile - Behavior Driven Development (BDD) model.
Environment: JDK 1.8, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring JPA, Hibernate, AWS, CI CD, ReactJS, IAM, EBS,EC2, S3, Spring AOP, SQL, PLSQL, Log4J 2, JSM, Spring Data Rest, Typescript, Micro-Frontend, Maven, Eclipse HTML5, CSS4, Git, Eureka, Junit, NoSQL, JSON,JIRA, Actuator, Postman, Mongo DB, Jenkins, Maven, Groovy,REST, Docker, Kubernetes, Swagger UI, Spring data, Selenium, Web Driver, JMeter, Flink, cucumber, Junit, Splunk, Kafka.

Client: JPMC , New Jersey Jan 2018- Aug 2019
Role: Sr Java Developer
Used Spring framework MVC in the development of new modules based on requirements.
Utilized various utilities like JSP, JSTL, JavaScript, HTML, & CSS, jQuery, ReactJS.
Refactored existing project to make it more RESTful and thread safe.
Involved in the creation of dynamic web pages with the use of JSP and HTML, NodeJS.
Configured and set up Java Workspace which included setting up server and theme installation and configuration. Became familiar with using and navigating through Java Workspace (Eclipse).
Debugged Java classes used to modify web pages such as Business Objects and Data Access Objects.
Implemented JDBC to perform the database calls from the Java layer.
Used JDBC to persist Java Objects into the database.
Worked with Complex SQL queries, Functions and Stored Procedures.
Involved in developing spring boot framework for portals application.
For XML marshalling and unmarshallingJAXB. Worked with databases like Oracle.
Tested many components of web application and documented my observations.
Used Servlets as an interface between frontend and backend to handle HTTP requests and used them to send the response back to the front end to engage the user with application.
Participated in analyzing the requirements and depicted them through use cases and scenarios.
Participated in unit testing, integration testing and installation of the system.
Use EJB3 and DTO and DAO design pattern to persist data in DB2 9.1 database.
Unit Tested PL/SQL Modules. Prepared Unit Test Cases for the designed modules.
Contributed to the decision making of the software and hardware requirements and tool evaluations.
Implemented the logging mechanism using log4j framework.
Involved in daily scrum meetings, worked on the sprint tasks in the Agile Scrum development.

Environment: Core Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JSP, JDBC, JSP, JAXB, JavaScript, jQuery, XML, JSON, Servlets, Spring Framework, PL/SQL, Oracle, ReactJS, JAXB, RESTful, Log4j, Eclipse.

Client: BOFA, TX May 2013 June 2017
Role: Java Developer

Involved in every phase of software development life cycle with object-oriented approach for continuously satisfying client requirements.
Developed the application from scratch using Eclipse IDE and MVC model.
Implemented server-side programs by using Servlets andJSP.
Developed the UI using Java Servlets, Java script, HTML, CSS3, and Ajax.
Developed the Action classes for handling the requests from the JSP pages.
Apache Tomcat Serve is used for deploying the projects.
Helped in designing and creating the database structure and its tables to minimize the storage of data.
Developed Java Bean components to communicate with Data Base.
Developed the Ant scripts for preparing WAR files,EAR,EJB used to deploy J2EE components.
Created tables, Views, Types, triggers, complex join queries, stored procedures, and functions and
Modification to exciting database structure as required for addition of new features.
Developed various GUI interfaces using Java AWT and Swings.
Involved in Designing the Database Schema and writing complexSQL queries.
Involved in Code reviews for other modules developed by peers.
Designing and establishing the process and mapping the functional requirement to the workflow process.
Accessed stored procedures and functions using JDBC Callable statements.
Used PL/SQL to code packages, store procedures, functions, and loaders.
Created Unit, Acceptance and Integration Test Documents and Code Review Documents.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, ANT, Servlets, WebLogic, SV, JDBC, HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, Junit, Ajax, RSA, MVC, Apache Tomcat and MY SQL, EJB.
Keywords: continuous integration continuous deployment quality analyst user interface message queue javascript sthree database information technology green card microsoft procedural language California Minnesota Texas

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