
Roshan Saundankar - Senior java full stack developer
[email protected]
Location: Buffalo, New York, USA
Relocation: Anywhere in US
Roshan Saundankar
Sr Java Full stack Developer
Ph. No: 908-274-3402
[email protected]
Professional Summary:
Over 8+ Years of experience as a FullStack Java Developer in object oriented programming, design and development of Multi-Tier distributed and Enterprise applications using J2SE/J2EE coding and design experience. Strong background in Object Oriented Design (OOD), Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) and drawing Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams.
Experience in various SDLC methodologies like Agile, Scrum, Waterfall.
Expertise in web development applications using J2SE, J2EE, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Hibernate, JPA, Ibatis, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, webservices.
Expert level coding skills in web application development using Spring, Angular, Custom Model view Controller (MVC) and Hibernate, JPA frameworks.
Experience in various Spring modules like Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Cloud, Spring Security.
Extensive experience in front-end technologies like HTML5, JQuery, TypeScript, Bootstrap, Ajax, JavaScript, CSS3/4, Angular.
Experience in developing the applications using MEAN and MERN stack technologies.
Expertise on servers using ApacheTomcat & HTTP Server, Web Sphere, WebLogic & JBOSS Application server.
Experience in development of SOAP & REST based web services using WSDL, SOAP, JAXB, CXF, AXIS, JAX-WS and Restful web services using JAX-RS, CXF and JERSEY APIs.
Experience in integrating the internal security model into new projects with Spring Batch, Spring Microservices and Spring Boot.
Experience in solving software design issues by applying Java & J2EE design patterns including Singleton, Factory, Session Fa ade, MVC, Front Controller, Proxy, Service Locator, Builder Pattern, Business Delegate, DTO, DAO, VO and Command Patterns.
Experience in implementing Swagger for microservices for documenting Rest API.
Extensive expertise in project object models (POM) to build the code by using Maven and Ant and also used Jenkins for continuous integration.
Hands-on experience in test driven development (TDD), Behavior driven development (BDD) and acceptance test driven development (ATDD) approaches.
Experience in utilizing Java 1.8 features like Lambda expressions and Stream API for Bulk data operations on Collections which would increase the performance of the Application.
Strong experience in Securing APIs using OAuth2.0 token-based authentication/authorization scheme using Spring Security.
Experience in Microservices development using Spring boot and deployment in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF).
Strong understanding of Microservices patterns - Circuit Breaker/Hystrix, DDD, Aggregator, Proxy Chaining.
Proficient experience in using java development IDEs like Eclipse, IntelliJ, Spring Tool Suite.
Proficient in Asynchronous messaging using JMS and Active MQ, Rabbit MQ, and Kafka.
Used Continuous Integration / Continuous delivery / (CI/CD) tools Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, SonarQube and looper to deploy this application to AWS along with GIT for Version Control of code for incremental development.
Experience in using various Amazon Web Services (AWS) Components like EC2 for virtual servers, S3, VPC, SQS, ELB, RDS, RedShift, AutoScaling, IAM, Cloud Watch, ELK, Kinesis, EMR.
Database Design, data modeling, data transformation and data Migration in the databases includes Oracle, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQL Server.
Experience in various NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Cassandra, DynamoDB.
Performed Database operations like normalization and written SQL queries and PL/SQL Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Sequences, Indexes, cursors and Views.
Experience in build tools like Ant, Maven, Gradle.
Experienced on various testing frameworks for front end/user interface like Karma, Jasmine, Mocha, Junit,Mockito etc.
Experience on various operating systems like Windows, Linux, UNIX.
Working skills on implementation of the version control tools like GIT and Bit Bucket.
Expertise in Unit testing using Junit & Mockito, Integration testing & smoke testing etc and JIRA for bug tracking.

Technical Skills:
Languages JAVA 11/1.8, Python, SQL, PL/SQL
Frameworks Spring Boot, Srping MVC, Hibernate, Struts
Web Technologies Angular JS, Angular, Bootstrap, jQuery, JavaScript, CSS3, TypeScript, JSON, AJAX
Mark up Languages HTML5, CSS3, DHTML, XHTML, XML, XSLT
Database Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, NoSQL: MongoDB, Cassandra, DynamoDB
Testing Frame Works JUnit, Mockito, TestNg, TDD, BDD
Operating Systems Unix, Linux, Windows
Web/App-Servers JBoss, Tomcat, WebSphere, WebLogic
IDEs Eclipse, IntelliJ, STS, vs code, web strom
Version Control Systems CVS, SVN, GitHub, Clear Case
Build Tools Ant, Maven, Jenkins
Cloud Technologies Azure, AWS, EC2, S3, Docker, PCF
Tools SQL Developer, Log4J, SOAPUI, Rest Client UI, Postman, Swagger, JIra, Git ci/cd, Jenkins

Professional Experience:

Rabo Agrifinance Bank, Remote Apr 2022 to Till Date
Sr Java Full stack Developer

Involving in design and development on an Agile platform to develop processes on Software Development life cycle (SDLC).
Designed and developed the REST based Microservices using the Spring Boot, Spring Data with JPA (Java Persistence API) and Used Swagger to interact with API endpoints of the Microservices.
Experience in developing front end using HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3/4, TypeScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Ajax, JSON, XML, Angular 9.
Used Angular.js to parse the data fetched from APIs and used backbone.js to develop an application to perform CRUD operations on the database server.
Enhanced application performance by Angular 9 component based development in view of future angular framework transitions.
Developed http requests using Rxjs observables to communicate between server and client with Angular 9.
Implemented Spring framework for Dependency Injection, support for the Data Access Object (DAO) pattern and integrated with Hibernate.
Used Hibernate as ORM to map Java classes to database tables. Involved in setting up configuration properties, ORM mapping and CRUD operations with databases.
Involved in migrating monolithic applications in MicroService Architecture and Developed Microservices using AWS platform built upon Spring Boot Services.
Worked on reading and writing to/from the files by using newly introduced methods in java 11.
Used Java 1.8 features like stream and Lambda expressions.
Used Java 1.8 Method References feature to point to methods by their names and used functional Interfaces.
Implemented all the functionality using Spring IO / Spring Boot, Thymeleaf and Hibernate ORM.
Executed Java2EE components using Spring MVC, Spring IOC, spring transactions and spring security modules.
Database migration of enterprise application in integration tier from Sybase to MSSQL and code base (both DAO and respective code changes).
Consumed REST based Microservices with Rest template based on RESTful APIs.
Created as well as consumed the RESTful web services.
Used Microservices architecture with Spring Boot, Apache Kafka message broker, deployed to AWS.
Used Hibernate as ORM to map Java classes to database tables. Involved in setting up configuration properties, ORM mapping and CRUD operations with database.
Implemented the authentication of the application using Spring Security and OAuth2.0.
Implementing Oracle, SQL Queries & PL/SQL - stored procedures, functions, triggers, sequences and built-in functions to retrieve and update data from the databases.
Setting up databases in AWS using RDS, Storage using S3 buckets and configuring instance backups to S3 buckets.
Experience in various data sources like Oracle, Sybase, and MSSQL Server
Building search feature based on open source tool Elastic Search. Implemented system logging solution using ElasticSearch, Kibana and Logstash (ELK).
Build scripts on AWS cloud for scheduling EC2 auto scaling load balancer with python sdk.
Created and managed cloud VMs with AWS EC2 Command line clients and AWS management console.
Utilized AWS Services platform to upload data into AWS S3 buckets and creating EC2 instances.
Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins and GitHub and AWS AMI's.
Involved in using SonarQube for the code review.
Responsible for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) process implementation for databases using tools like Jenkins.
Used Maven for project dependency management and Log4j for logging Involved in activities like code review, performance improvement and used Jira for bug reporting.
Project migration into cloud environment using Kubernetes, Docker container.
Worked with unit testing of Angular applications using Jasmine and Karma and Spring Boot applications using JUnit, Mockito and performed end to end testing using Protractor.

Environment: Java 1.8/11, Hibernate, Angular 8/9, AWS, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Microservices, HTML5, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, XML, Bootstrap, Ajax, REST, CSS3, Jenkins, PCF, GIT, Kubernates, Docker, Mockito, JUnit, Jasmine, Karma, Eclipse, MSSQL, Apache CXF, Oracle, MySQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, PL/SQL, Maven, Log4j, Kubernetes, Agile.

Novartis, Cambridge, MA Feb 2021 to Mar 2022
Java Full stack Developer

Designed and developed business layers.
Designed and developed the REST based Microservices using the Spring Boot.
Involved in converting XML to java objects and vice versa using JAXB API.
Implemented Circuit Breaker to implement the fall-back method for handling exception.
Work with SQL queries to store the data in MS SQL Server.
Write source code, prepare test data, test and debug programs, revise and refine programs to improve performance of the application software.
Wrote JUNIT test cases for Unit testing.
Worked on postman in the backend for testing the APIs.
Creates, executes, and maintains performance testing scripts in JMeter.
Used Micro service architecture with Spring Boot based services interacting through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka message brokers and also worked with Kafka Cluster using ZooKeeper.
Designed and developed Rest Based Web Services using Jersey framework. Developed applications using latest technologies like spring, hibernate (using annotations), and REST based Web Services, XML API and tools.
Used spring security to implement the authentication with JWT. Customize User Principles to control the login users. Applied BCryptPasswordEncoder to encode the password.
Created Requests and Responses forms to accept and send data out of the back-end to improve security. Applied json web token to generate and validate JWT.
Constructed Spring Boot four layers including model, DAO, service and controller. Manipulated database with Hibernate and created Entity to interact with persistence.
Integrated users with roles and granted users with three kinds of permissions. Normalized complicated relationships among tables to optimize database structure.
Used spring framework for integrating the MVC components with business services. Implemented Data Access Layer (DAL) using Spring Data and Hibernate ORM tool.
Strong experience of developing data models using Hibernate POJOs, configuring Hibernate persistence layer.
Creates code for load and performance test cases to execute test cases and report results.
Involved in the end to end implementation for all services component setup and module including analysis, design, development, system testing, deployment and production support.

Environment: JavaSE8, J2EE, Spring-Boot, Hibernate, JPA, SQL, SQL Developer, Log4j, Maven, IntelliJ, Tomcat Server, DB2, Apache camel, Postman, Junit, ActiveMQ, JMeter, AZURE.

KPMG, Montvale, NJ Aug 2019 Jan 2021
Java Developer

Reviewed the functional, non-functional requirements and high-level designs.
Worked with Agile Methodologies.
Used Spring Web flow for integration purpose in application development.
SOAP UI is used for web services testing.
Developed and integrated with server components using spring, Hibernate.
Developed user interfaces using JSF UI components, Validators, Events and Listeners.
Developed sever side validations using JSF.
This system is a real time J2EE Fixed Income Trading system, high frequency, low-latency. Was the developer and support of this system.
Experienced in creating a connection to the Laserfiche server or share an existing connection.
Extensively worked with core java like collections, String Builder and interfaces.
Develop fixed income pricing analytics, architecture and implementation, providing solutions for real time price delivery, trade capture, order management and other aspects of trade flow
Responsible for designing the User Interface by coding in HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS, Bootstrap to build this SPA Single Page Application
Compiled and built the application using Maven scripts and deployed the application.
Implemented Hash table and hash set for inserting and retrieving values.
Used MVC-Struts framework in the front-end to develop the User Interface.
Implemented enterprise applications using WSDL, SOAP and XML schema.
Developed different design methodology such as MVC patterns.
Used Hibernate for Object mapping.
Developed Message Driven Beans as Queue listeners for JMS queues.
Worked extensively in the backend SQL Server database.
Used Log4J for any errors in the application.
Planning and gathering the requirements for setting up TFS environments for environment-based migration and up gradation.
Configuring SharePoint foundation services with TFS 2010.
Analyze and fix issues related to Soap Web services and Application responses.
Used HTML, CSS and Java Script for developing user interface.
Used Spring Batch for scheduling and maintenance of batch jobs.
Used MAVEN as build management tool.
Used WSDL to post the services in the UDDI.
Worked with XPATH when need to identify objects in the screen.
Developed lookup tables and views to speed up queries.
Provide critical support to current order management systems being used as and when required.
Worked in Quality analysis and testing.

Technologies: Java, EJB, Hibernate, JSF, Spring, Selenium, SQL Server 2008 R2, XML, JUnit, XSLT, IDE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Apache Tomcat, Laserfiche, Log4j, SharePoint, TSF

Accenture, India Mar 2017 to Apr 2019
Java Developer

Involved in software development life cycle (SDLC) by using agile methodology including project design, development, and implementation and testing.
Developed Sequence, test cases, Use cases & class Diagrams and Process Flow diagrams using Rational Rose.
Designed and implemented the User Interface using JavaScript, HTML5, XHTML, XML, CSS3, JSP, and AJAX.
Migrated from Angular 2 to Angular 4 for making the code lesser, cleaner, improving the performance by supporting the new version of Typescript which increases Type security and speed of NGC-Compiler.
Designed and developed Microservices using REST framework and Spring Boot and used Bootstrap along with AngularJS in creating the Application.
Developed the administrative UI using AngularJS and Inserted External Style Sheets to various web pages using CSS.
Worked on JavaScript frame work (AngularJS) to augment browser based applications with MVC capability.
Used Node.js as a proxy to interact with Web services and also interacting with Database and Node.js is also used to handle multiple concurrent connections with minimal overhead on a single process.
Used Angular2 to develop the client side application in MVC manner. And used Bootstrap as style sheet.
Microservices has been built using spring boot, spring security and deployed to AWS cloud.
Designed and developed the REST based Microservices using the Spring Boot, Spring Data with JPA (Java Persistence API) and Used Swagger to interact with API end points of the Microservices.
Utilized Spring framework and integrated with back-end database using Hibernate framework.
Implemented application using Spring concepts Dependency Injection/ IOC, AOP, Batch implementation and Spring Model View Controller (MVC).
Extensively used Hibernate in DAO layer to access and update information from the oracle database.
Used Hibernate Query Language (HQL) for writing the custom queries.
Used Hibernate to create data layer to the services to do CRUD operations in Database.
Implemented business tier using Spring AOP and spring IOC.
Used micro-framework to implement with REST API and Mongo DB (NO SQL) as back end database.
Created JSON Data and stored as documents comprising documents, data types and conversions in MongoDB (NoSQL).
Parsed the XML based responses using JAXB Parser and validated XML against the schema.
Developing Web Service Client Component to make use of service APIs.
Implemented and used Web services with the help of WSDL and SOAP to get updates from other APIs.
Involved in CI/CD process using GIT, Nexus, Jenkins job creation, Maven build, Create Docker image and deployment in AWS environment.
Deployed Spring Boot based Microservices Docker container using Amazon EC2 container services and using AWS admin console.
Developed transformations using XSLT to simplify project specific large XML configuration files.
Produced as well as consumed the SOAP/REST Web services using WSDL, SOAP and CXF.
Worked on Rapid Application Development (RAD) as a developing environment.
Consumed & developed Web services using JAX-WS/JAX-RS to communicate with different departments.
Used RabbitMQ for messaging communication.
Used Maven for building and deploying Application.
Worked on SOAP & REST based Web services to create the web based services.
Performed unit testing using JUnit framework and Jira for bug tracking.

Environment: Java 1.6, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Hibernate, HTML5, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Servlets, RAD, Microservices, XML, AWS, AJAX, JAXP, JAXB, JAX-WS/RS, XSLT, WSDL, SOAP-Web Services, DB2, MongoDB, IBM Clear Case, FileZilla, SFTP, JUnit, Mockito, JMS, ANT.

Dell, India Apr 2015 to Feb 2017
Java/J2EE Developer

Involved in gathering requirements and followed waterfall methodology.
Developed front end/user interface by extensively using HTML, CSS, JSP, JSTL, AJAX, jQuery, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Angular JS, JSON and XML.
Developed and Deployed Java/J2EE based applications.
Developed Spring controller classes for forms and performed URL and view mapping using the Spring MVC Framework. Also developed validators to implement server-side validation of input data.
Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component-based architecture provided by Angular 2.
Implemented Servlet Filters to implement user authorization and other functions.
Developed DAOs (Data Access Objects) to access data from the Oracle Server Database using the Hibernate as the ORM (Object Relational Mapping) tool.
Integrated Spring and Hibernate together and worked on developing backend components and services using Hibernate and spring.
Established Database Connectivity using JDBC, Hibernate O/R mapping with Spring ORM for DB2.
Worked on Hibernate in Data Access Layer for mapping the java objects to relational database and SQL queries to fetch the data, insert and update the data from the database.
Created JSPs using JSTL and Struts tag libraries.
Extensively used JSON to parse the data from server side to satisfy the business requirement.
Created Tables, Triggers, PL/SQL Stored Procedures, SQL queries, Joins, and views for IBM DB2.
Used Spring JMS module for lookup for the queues and MDBs for the listeners.
Written LINUX shell scripts to identify user login information.
Involved in development of java components by using Hibernate and Spring to persist the data in DB.
Developed Struts Action and Action Form classes. Created the Tile definitions as required.
Implemented logging functionality using Log4J and SLF4J.
Performed SQL operations using Oracle Database.
Consumed REST/SOAP Web Services and used Jackson/JAX-B for parsing them.
Created and consumed SOAP based web services using JAX-RPC and JAX-WS specifications with WebSphere Implementations of SKELETON and WSDL file.
Deployed application in Web Sphere Application Server and developed using WSAD.
Used Session Beans for business logic and Entity Beans for database persistence.
Deployed J2EE components (EJB, Servlets) in WebLogic Application server.
Used Jersey Implementations to build REST web services.
Used Ant scripts to build and deploy the application in IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5.
Used JMS to send and receive messages from the MQ and differentiated messages using Apache Camel.
Used JMS to pass messages as payload to track different milestones and statuses.
Implemented Message Driven Beans (MDB) to consume and parse the MQ messages received and inserts the data into the database.
Used AWS for continuous integration and responsible for generating docker images, SVN was used as the version control system.
Configured and Deployed application on JBoss Application Server.
Scheduled different tasks using Java Timer and implemented it using Java Threads.
Wrote JUnit test cases for asserting functions and SoapUI for testing Web Services.
Used JIRA to keep track of bugs and issues in the project.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Microservices, AWS, Spring MVC, Log4J, SLF4J, JSP, AJAX, jQuery, JavaScript, JSON, XML, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Angular JS, REST and SOAP-Web Service, Test Driven Development (TDD), Spring Framework, JUnit, Soap UI, SVN, Oracle SQL, PL/SQL, JBoss.
Keywords: continuous integration continuous deployment user interface message queue javascript sthree database rlang information technology microsoft procedural language Massachusetts New Jersey

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