
[email protected]
Location: Round Rock, Texas, USA
Relocation: YES
Visa: H1B
Misbah Noreen
Sr Full Stack Developer/NodeJs Developer
+1 870-210-2474
[email protected]


Experienced Node.js developer with 8 years of hands-on experience in designing, developing, and maintaining robust web applications. Proficient in JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, and various front-end technologies.
Experience in web applications using ReactJS, Redux, Reactive Native, ES6, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, JSON, Angular 12, NodeJS and Java.
Developed and maintained scalable backend services using Node.js and Express.js.
Hands on experience in Single page web app development using modern client side MVC frameworks using ReactJS.
Implemented authentication and authorization mechanism using JWT tokens.
Used Node.js on the server side and to install necessary packages into the application. Developed
Web API using Node.JS and hosted AWS.
Integrated third-party APIs for payment gateways and social media authentication.
Experience in Restful webservices development using Express, Node.JS and MongoDB.
Built Restful APIs using lates technologies like promises, Async and Await by using Nodejs and GraphQL.
Experience developing custom reusable components in ReactJS.
Implemented OAuth protocol For APIs Authorizations using Node.js.
Validated Restful APIs on different types of roles.
Experience in executing projects involving RESTAPI integration and building React components using hooks.
Worked on Agile methodology, including team-based design and code reviews.
Creating custom, general use modules and components which extend elements and modules of core
Experience in test-driven development with Jest and enzyme.
Worked on .Net framework with MVC Architecture.
Experience implementing unit and integration tests by using Nunit, Xunit.
Experience in Testing RestAPI using postman.
Deep understanding of client-side development, coding in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScriptES6.
Used various bootstrap components like accordion, date picker, time picker, alert, buttons, modal and react-bootstrap components.
Built RESTful APIs using NodeJS server in the backend and protected using OAuth authorization protocol.
Experienced in optimizing components for maximum performance across a vast array of web-capable devices and browsers like Safari, Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Google chrome.
Worked in developing front-end using HTML, CSS, and bootstrap.
Experienced using Figma to collaborate with UI / UX designers.
Experienced in converting wireframes to HTML.
Worked on frontend and backend technologies (MERN Stack).
Worked on troubleshooting the code using browser tools like Chrome Developer Toolbar, Firebug, and IE Developer Toolbar.
Cloud experience in AWS and Heroku.
Experienced with Cloud Computing Service environments like (AWS) and used (EC2, EBS, S3, and Cloud front).
Developed multiple systems for self-driving cars of Mercedes-Benz.
Developed many projects using technologies like React, Node, Angular, Java , SQL and NoSQLdatabases.
Strong experience in Dev-ops and CI/CD pipelines in AWS, Heroku, Gitlab and Bitbucket.
Experienced in Software Performance Tuning and Cloud Computing.
Experienced in Full-stack web and hybrid applications development using React Native for Android and iOS application development.
Strong experience in application deployment and maintenance in AWS and Heroku Cloud.
Experienced in JIRA and Confluence.
Experienced in messaging system like RabbitMQ and in-memory Redis data store.
Familiar with Cloud Watch, Cloud Front, and managing security groups on AWS.
Exposure to GitHub, Bitbucket, and Gitlab.


Languages Java, JavaScript, SQL, PHP (Basic)
Java/J2EE Technologies J2EE, Spring Boot
Web Technologies ReactJS, NodeJS, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Redis, Redux and GraphQL, XML, AJAX, Bootstrap, JSON, CI/CD pipelines, Material UI, .Net , MVC
Frameworks and IDE s ReactJS, Angular12, Spring MVC, Spring Boot
Web/Application Servers NodeJs, Tomcat
Automation Testing Chai, Enzyme, Jest, Mocha and Junit, Postman
Web Service Technologies Express.JS Rest API, GraphQL and Swagger
Version Control Tools Gitlab, Bitbucket, GitHub
Build Script NPM, Webpack, Babel
Cloud Technologies
/ DevOps Tools AWS, EC2, Cloud Front, EBS, Docker and S3 bucket, Elastic Load Balancing, IAM
IDE s Visual Studio, Sublime, Eclipse
Design Patterns Proxy, Singleton, Factory
Methodologies Agile, Scrum, SDLC Waterfall, TDD
Database Environments MongoDB, MySQL and SQL Server, Postgres SQL
Operating Systems Linux, Mac, windows


Client: Rodeo Logistics Apps, Austin, TX. Nov 2022 Current
Role: Sr Full Stack Developer/NodeJs Developer

Roles &Responsibilities:

Worked as a Full Stack Developer on this project.
Built Restful APIs using Node and SQL Server Databases.
Used Node.JS to structure JavaScript code to build endpoints.
Developed Admin web applications to manage rodeo events by using ReactJS and Redux.
Built Rodeo Entry Tool (RET) for athlete to enter and participate in the rodeo events.
Worked on NodeJS to setup Web API s using javascript.
Built VRQ web application for athlete to nominate and participate in WCRA points.
Built CI / CD pipelines using Git and Heroku and deployment in Heroku Cloud.
Developed API Gateway using Node.JS and Used MongoDB as a database for storing
Implemented Component life cycle architecture, store actions, using Actions, Reducers and middleware to handle real time data and API calls.

Created functions and assigned roles in AWS Lambda to run python scripts, and AWS Lambda
using Node.JS to perform event driven processing.
Used Axios library to perform RESTAPI (GET, PUT, POST) based AJAX calls.
Responsible for converting the wireframes from Figma into working Design and Development using HTML5, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, React, Redux
Created and used Reducers that received said Actions to modify the Store State Tree.
Created API Documentation in GraphQL in which we implemented mutations, Resolvers and query.
Developed modules using Node JS and Promises.
Worked on date range, date picker components by using Material UI.
Worked on functional and non-functional components, used lazy loading using Higher order components, Elastic search queries. .
Good knowledge in using JavaScript frameworks like Node.Js, ExpressJS to build web applications.
Applied optimization techniques to reduce page load time to enhance user experience using stateless components.
Used backend frameworks Nodejs, Koa(Express), Sequelize ORM, GraphQL, MySQL Database.
Built APIs using GraphQL and Rest.
Performed client-side validation using JavaScript expressions and event state in all form-based components within ACSS.
Used Nodejs to structure JavaScript code to build endpoints.
Implemented common front-end development tools such as Babel, Webpack and NPM.
Implemented Snapshot testing using Jest for React project along with Enzyme test utilities.
Wrote E2E testing scripts and implemented reactive validations by using reactive forms.

Environment: React JS, Redux, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, Material UI, Git and Gitlab, JavaScript, REST, JWT Token, NPM, Webpack, Node.JS, Agile and Heroku.

Client: Fleet Management System for Mercedes Benz self-Driving Fleet and Car2Go, Pak. Sep 2021 Oct 2022
Role: Full Stack Developer/NodeJs Developer

Roles &Responsibilities:

Worked as a Full Stack Developer with a team of 8 members.
Built RestfulAPIs using .Net and MongoDB.
Developed web application for the fleet manager to manage the fleet.
Involved in analysis, design, implementation and testing phases of software development lifecycle (SDLC).
Worked on Agile/Scrum methodology with bi-weekly sprints, daily scrum meetings, backlogs, and story points.
Developed web application for the agent (mobile version) to work on different vehicles in the field.
Microservice API development using NodeJS, Docker, and Kubernetes.
Implemented React router to route between the application.
Utilised Node.Js, AWS Lambda for building customised Alexa Sill set.
Developed smart and automated trigger systems to create and manage tasks on the fleet using the telemetry data coming from the vehicles.
Used Node jS as Java Script runtime environment, Webpack for packaging and NPM for building
the web application.
Built messaging system between RabbitMQ and hardware installed in the cars.
Built CI / CD pipelines using AWS tools and deployed in AWS Cloud.
Used Node.jS to structure JavaScript code to build Restful webservices.
Worked on Agile methodology, including team-based design and code reviews.
Used POSTMAN to work with Rest Web services for testing the Rest operations.
RESTful API implemented on the backend in Node.js and MongoDB.
Developed and deployed web services and Integrating clients with the services using SOAP and RESTAPIs.
Using NODEJS to communicate between the angular application and the packages
Developed high performance object/relational persistence and query (SQL) service for entire application.
Deployed the application on AWS cloud server.

Tools and Technologies: React, Redux, HTML5 , CSS3 , Bootstrap, MongoDB, Mongoose, Redis , .Net framework ,RabbitMQ , GitHub and AWS.

Client: Car Dealerships Management System, Pak. Jan 2018 Aug 2021
Role: React Full Stack Developer.

Roles & Responsibilities:

Roles and Responsibilities:
Worked as a Full Stack Developer with a team of 6 people.
Built web applications for the account department and fleet manager using React.
Built financial calculator using React to track profit and loss for the last 5 years in a dealership.
Involved in using React.js for creating interactive UI's using One-way data flow, Virtual DOM and JSX.
Worked on React components to integrate HTML Layouts.
Built different types of charts using ReactJS.
Responsible for setting up the development environment for NodeJS and MongoDB.
Designed dynamic and multi-browser compatible pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Used Axios and JSON to make asynchronous calls to integrate with the APIs.
Microservice API development using NodeJS, Docker, and Kubernetes.
Involved in using React Component for UX-Library consisted of Button, Checkbox, Input, Icons, Toggle Button, Dropdown, Multi-Level Dropdown and many more.
Used Node.js to run Webpack tasks and build properly the project.
Worked on NOSQL database (MongoDB).
Designed dynamic and bowser compatible pages using HTML5 , CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript and ReactJS.
Developed the corresponding back-end RESTful APl service using Node.js.
Unstructured data was handled using MongoDB and Mongoose Connector for connecting to database.
Documented the RESTAPI's using Swagger.
Developed user interface by using ReactJS, Flux for SPA development.
Involved in creating a reusable component using React for DOM manipulation.
Responsible for creating and developing user interactive screens using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
Implemented store, reducers, actions, and selectors to manage complex application states and facilitate a centralized data flow.
Worked with View State to maintain data between the pages of the application.
Built RestAPI using Node and Express Framework.
Wrote test scripts using Mocha, Chai, and Chai-Promise.
Built CI / CD pipelines using AWS tools and deployed in AWS Cloud.

Tools and Technologies: React, Redux, Git, Node, MongoDB, Mongoose, CSS3, HTML5 , Bootstrap , Bitbucket and AWS.

Client: Stealth Mode Smart Ingredients, Pak. Apr 2015 Dec 2017
Role: Full Stack Developer


Roles and Responsibilities:
Worked as a Full Stack Developer in the team.
Involved in the implementation of complete software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) from Analysis through Design, Development, Integration and testing phases.
Participated in SCRUM meetings and followed Agile methodology to track project progress and resolve issues.
Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript and ReactJS.
Built RESTful using Node and MongoDB.
Developed web application for the consumer to manage their profile and diets.
Built Rest API using Node and Express Framework.
Built RestAPI for the integration with the AmazonGo.
Wrote test cases using Mocha and Chai.
Built React native mobile application for the consumer to use on Android phones.
Worked on JSON web token to authorize APIS.

Tools and Technologies: React, React Native, Git, Node, MongoDB, Mongoose, Redux, CSS3, HTML5 , Bootstrap, Redis, Gitlab and AWS.
Keywords: continuous integration continuous deployment user interface user experience javascript business intelligence sthree Texas

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