
Paramesh Satya Sai Venkatesh Mathurthi - FUll Stack Java Developer
[email protected]
Location: Darien, Connecticut, USA
Relocation: yes
Visa: GC Holder
Paramesh Satya Sai Venkatesh Mathurthi
+1 (203) 572-4018
[email protected]

10+ years of professional experience in Object Oriented Programming, Design and Development of Web-based Enterprise Applications using Java and JEE Technologies with Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Experience in Agile Software development process, Test Driven Development (TDD), behavior-driven development (BDD) and Scrum.
Extensive experience in design and implementation of client/server and web applications using J2EE (Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, EJB, JMS, MQ, Struts, JMS, XML, Java Multi-threading API, Spring, Hibernate and SOAP & REST Web Services). Expertise with building the SpringBoot Cloud Microservices and develop Spring based applications with very less configuration. Also excels in WebServices both developing and consuming REST (JAX-RS) API and strong knowledge of SOAP (JAX-WS) and WSDL. Using Spring Boot in Microservices, Pivotal Cloud Foundry and Engagement.
Strong front-end UI development skills using HTML5, CSS3, Custom Tag Libraries, JavaScript, AJAX, and Bootstrap based on the W3C standards and Web2.0. Developed monitoring and notification tools using Python.
Experience of NoSQL databases such as Mongo DB, Cassandra and HBase.
Good Knowledge and understanding of Hadoop Architecture and various components in Hadoop and ecosystems: HDFS, MapReduce, Hive and Pig.
Experienced in using Junit Test Framework.
Experience in usage of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Cloud Formation, Cloud Front, EC2, RDS, S3, Route53, SNS, SQS, Cloud Trail. Experience in Server infrastructure development on AWS Cloud.
Experienced in Amazon EC2 setting up instances and setting up security groups.
Setting up data in AWS using S3 bucket and configuring instance backups to S3 bucket.
Hands on Experience in deploying apps to Cloud using Pivotal Cloud Foundry and CF scripts.
Excellent programming skills and development experience with JDK 1.5, 1.6& 1.7, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, JSF, EJB, Java Beans, JMS, JDBC, XSLT, J-Unit and Web Services.
Experience with object-oriented client-side scripting using Typescript, ES6 and JavaScript frameworks.
Experience in Implementation Token (Oauth2, SAML) base security using Restful API.
Experienced in implementing modules like Hibernate, JavaBeans, Servlets, Struts, and XML Mapping.
Experience in handling messaging services using Apache Kafka implemented Micro services architecture to make application smaller and independent REST web services
Experience in creating Docker images, Containers, push/pull and integrating with Spring Boot for running apps.
Expertise in working with cloud services like Amazon web services AWS, Spring Cloud services and PCF are used.
Hands on in AWS, which includes EC2, S3, Elastic Load Balancer, Beanstalk, Cloud watch, IAM, Server Migration, Route53, SQS, VPC, DynamoDB, SNS, Glacier, RDS, Lambda and NoSQL databases, Cassandra, MongoDB.
Strong experience with Mongo DB development (reports, schema design, map reduce functions) and migrations from SQL relational databases andn hands on experience on Apache Kafka.
Responsible for creating a microservices systemusing Java8 with Spring Boot, Netflix OSS and RESTful API in order to improve the scalability factor of the company s product.
Advanced knowledge of utilizing Apache Kafka for messaging services.
Good Experience of NoSQL Databases and hands on work experience in writing application on NoSQL databases like Cassandra and MongoDB.
Experience with Spark to handle streaming data and Scala for the batch processing and Spark streaming data.
Experienced in using Operating Systems like Windows and Unix/Linux.
Extensive experience with RDBMS like Oracle 11g, MySQL and developing Views, Functions and SQL Queries, Stored Procedures and Triggers Involved in Designing the Database Schema and writing the complex SQL queries.
Performed Query operations on NoSQL database Cassandra for storing and loading data of customers.
Experience in TDD, using JUnit framework with Mockito and Easy mock, Spring Junit Runner.
Experienced in using Log4j and good expertise in application build tools like ANT, Gradle and Maven.
Worked on Git as version control management and JIRA as Defect management for bug, issue tracking of application. Used JENKINS for continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) pipeline.

Java/J2EE Technologies Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, JMS, JNDI, RMI, EJB, Swing, AWT,
Multi-threading, Java Networking
Programming Languages Java 11 , Core Java, SQL, PL/SQL, C, C++
J2EE Frameworks Spring MVC, Struts 2.0, JSF
Application/Web Servers WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss, Tomcat
ORM Frameworks Hibernate, JSF, IBATIS
Web Technologies JSP, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, XML, XSLT, XHTML, DHTML, CSS, SASS,
HTML, AngularJS, Angular7+, Backbone.js.
Spring Framework Spring IOC, Spring Batch, Spring Boot, Spring Security
Database Server Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, RDBMS, MongoDB, Cassandra
IDE Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ, STS
Web Services REST, SOAP, JAX-WS, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS, WSDL, Axis2, UDDI, Apache CXF
Version Control GIT, CVS, SVN, Clear case
Build Tools ANT, Maven, Gradle
Methodologies Agile, Scrum, Water-Fall, Rapid Application Development,
Test Driven development
Modelling Tools Microsoft Visio, Rational Rose
Operating System Windows, Mac, Linux, UNIX
Tools Apache Camel, ESB, cucumber, Rational Rose, Microsoft Visio
Testing &logging Junit, Jasmine, JUnit, Log4J, SoapUI, Test NG, Easy mock and Power mock,
Karma, Protractor, Mockito, Selenium, Jenkins, Docker

Masters (Computer Science) - Sacred Heart University, Fairfield CT 06825, USA[2014]
Bachelor s of Technology (Electronics & Communication Engineering) - Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India[2012]


Client: Master Card, O Fallon, MO
Position: Sr. Java Full Stack Developer Jan 2021 Till Date
Used Agile Scrum to manage the full life cycle development of the project.
Developed applications using Angular 7, Java8 and new features of java
Used Java 8 features like Stream API to write effective, clean and concise code, Filters, Pipeline to make our application easier accessing the elements from collections and applying operations on it.
Re-designed, re-architected and built the existing application using Java 11, Spring Boot, Spring Reactive Stack (WebFlux), GCP, PostgreSQL and Maven
Used Spring framework along with Angular 7, HTML, CSS, Node.JS construct the dynamic web pages (presentation layer) for the application.
Created connections to database using Hibernate session Factory using Hibernate APIs to retrieve and store data to the database with Hibernate transaction control.
Design and developed the application using framework Angular 7 with HTML5, CSS3 XML, JavaScript, JQuery and Typescript.
Developed single page applications using Angular 4/5, Typescript, HTML5, CSS3, and strong Bootstrap4.
Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API
using Component-based architecture provided by Angular 4/5
Building/Maintaining Docker/ Kubernetescontainer clusters managed by Kubernetes Linux, Bash, GIT, Docker , on GCP.
Expertise in implementing web and enterprise applications using Java 11, Spring Boot, Spring Rest and Spring Security, React, NodeJS, Python, MySQL, Angular, Mongo dB.
Extensively used jQuery to perform AJAX calls for creating interactive web pages on JSON response.
Spring Boot Microservices were developed with microservice architecture using REST and ApacheKafka.
Hands on experience in development of content management solutions using Adobe CQ / AEM WCM tools.
Build Restful API web services using Node JS and used a full complement of Angular JS, Node. js, and Mongo DB to store and present assessments.
Used apache Kafka as a Messaging Service for producing and consuming data between applications.
Working on data preprocessing, cleaning and publishing data to Kafka topics writing Java classes, reusable components
Enhanced user experience by designing new web features using MVC Framework like Express JS and Node JS.
Creating new async chatbot APIs which skip calls to backend, db but only respond with dialogflow response for new ETMS channel.
Created strong Typescript strongmreusable components and services to consume EST API using Component-based architecture provided by Angular 4/5
Worked on the modernization of a legacy and outsourced UI technologies used were Angular JS 2, CSS, Node JS, Express JS and AWS (Amazon Web Services).
Performed Data profiling through Information Analyzer client 
Testing chatbot on myFIOS app, facebook messenger using different test accounts against various test cases.
Coordinating chatbot issues and fixes with offshore managers/developers
Modularized ETL jobs to increase reusability and ease of maintenance.
Scheduled ETL batch jobs using Talend Administration Cente
Worked on Kafka Backup Index and in-depth knowledge of Apache Cassandra.
Implemented Angular 7 Router to enable navigation from one view to next as agent performs application tasks.
RESTFUL web services with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
Centralized Microservices configuration with Spring Cloud Config Server
Developing and becoming proficient with new technologies like Java 11, React hooks, Spring 5.2.
Involved in migrating SQL Server databases to SQL Azure Database using SQL Azure Migration Wizard and deployed the application to Azure cloud.
Developed UI components using Angular 7 dependency Injection, Models, data binding and controllers.
Led implementation of Azure Active Directory for single sign-on access to thousands of cloud SaaS applications like Office 365, Dropbox. Also configured Azure Role-based Access Control (RBAC) to segregate duties within our team and grant only the amount of access to users that they need to perform their jobs.
Developed highly interactive web applications utilizing AEM 5.6.
Developed Adobe AEM templates and reusable component
Extensively worked on Spring, Auto-wiring, Security, AOP, Spring quartz for scheduling tasks to generate reports.
Worked with Microservices related frameworks Spring Ribbon, Eureka for client-side load balancer.
Created plugins to extract data from multiple sources like Apache Kafka, Database and Messaging Queues.

Environment: Core Java, Java 8.0, HTML5, CSS3, Angular 7, Node.js, jQuery JSON, AJAX, HQL, Bootstrap, JBOSS 5.1, Spring Boot, Spring Ribbon, Spring Security, Spring Batch, Scala, JIRA, Apache Kafka, REST, Hibernate, DAO,JPA, Eclipse, log4j, Oracle 11g,Azure, GIT, Maven, Jenkins, AWS, Docker, JBOSS, Junit, Swagger.

Client: Shutterfly, Minneapolis, MN Nov 2018 Dec 2021
Role: Sr. Java Full Stack Developer
Involved in complete development of Agile Development Methodology/SCRUM , developed and tested the application during various iterations.
Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering, modeling, analysis, design, development, testing, and monitoring.
Used Maven as build tool and deploying the application.
Used J2EE design patterns like Adapter, Service locator, Session facade, Singleton, Factory and DAO.
Implemented Data validations for critical functionalities using Angular2 and JavaScript.
Created and deployed VMs on the Microsoft cloud service Azure, created and managed the virtual networks to connect all the servers and designed ARM templates for Azure platform.
Used Multi-threading to overcome the errors in the process of transactions, handle threads by main thread process.
Maintained 24/7 high volume availability demands using open source tools such as Linux, Apache, PHP, and MySQL.
Optimized and automated ETL process using new DataStage 9.1 features and Unix Shell scripts.
Lead offshore and onshore developers and coordinated the ETL work.
Create joins and sub-queries for complex queries involving multiple tables. 
Resolved the defects from UAT, and delivered an ETL system that is automated, stable and efficient
Experience migrating infrastructure and application from on premise to Azure functions and from Cloud to Cloud such as AWS to Microsoft Azure and GCP.
Worked on setting up AEM projects using Maven.
Deploy and maintain Spring Cloud with Pivotal Cloud Foundry on AWS Cloud.
Client side load balancing with Ribbon and Spring Cloud.
Experience with the Adobe AEM6, CQ5.5, CQ5.3 product suite, including, DAM, Search & Promote, Test & Target, A/B Testing, LDAP Configuration and Image Renditions.
Used Custom Node.js proxy used to simulate API responses before client implementation was complete.
Chatbot also makes use of Wikipedia Web API or Wolfram Alpha Artificial Intelligence Web API Engine to support responses.
Implemented distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth by integrating with Zipkin using http and Spring Cloud Stream(rabbitmq, kafka) communication methods.
Experience in automating private and Azure public cloud configuration using Terraform.
Developed Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Configuration as Code (CaC), Pipeline as Code for AWS,Azure security, and using Jenkins, Terraform, Ansible, ARM, and Cloud Formation.
Configured connection between Azure data bricks to Azure Devops Git.
Experience in managing Private Cloud and Hybrid cloud configurations, patterns, and practices in Windows Azure and SQL Azure and in Azure Web and Database deployments.
Experience in Server infrastructure development on AWS Cloud,OpenShift and Microsoft Azure.
Experience in developing server-side applications using Node.js to achieve scalability in real-time web applications.
Setup up and maintenance of automated environment using Chef recipes& cookbooks within Azure environment.
Deployment and management of many servers via script and chef, utilizing cloud providers as a direct substrate for implementation.
Deploying and managing many servers utilizing both traditional and cloud oriented providers (Azure) with the Chef platform configuration system.
Performed and scheduling AEM system maintenance activities.
Implement Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) solutions. Install, maintain and upgrade AEM different versions. Configured AEM application, web server, monitoring tools, operating system in high availability environments
Develop screens for the front end using ReactJS and used various predefined components from NPM.
Developed user-friendly web-based GUI using CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and AngularJS.
Created and injected spring services and DAOs to achieve dependency injection MVC components to implement.
Implemented the associated business Modules integration using Spring and Hibernate data mapping.
Designed and developed the end points (Controllers), business layer, DAO layer using Hibernate and Spring IOC.
Used Hibernate, object relational-mapping (ORM) solution, technique of mapping data representation from MVC.
Implemented Hibernate to persist the data into database, wrote HQL based queries to implement CRUD operations.
Apache Mesos and Kubernetes were used as the best ecosystem to deploy and manage Micro-services.
Responsible for installing and upgrade of Adobe AEM 5.4 and 5.5 Author, Publish instances and Dispatcher Configurations using IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 servers
Used RabbitMQ message broker to route messages to the clients across the cloud network of entire project.

Environment: Java 8, Spring MVC, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, Spring DAO, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Security, Spring Integration, Spring-Hibernate integration framework, Kafka, Oracle, PL/SQL, XML, Microsoft Azure, Junit, GIT, Maven, Jenkins, AWS (EC2, VPC), REST, HTML, CSS, SASS, AJAX, Jira, Angular 2.0, Angular JS.

Client: State Farm Tempe, AZ Nov 2015 Sep 2018
Full Stack Java Developer
Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as requirement gathering, data modeling, analysis, architecture design & development for the project.
I worked on front-ends with focus on speed and optimization by using d3.js., Built data visualizations to monitor file server load, web server speeds, data processing and more (d3.js, backbone, jQuery, MySQL)
As a backend developer, I was responsible for creating RESTFUL Web using NodeJS & ExpressJS.
Worked on UI for Layered Security and S&L modules and hands on experience with Spark streaming to receive real time data using Kafka.
Developed Single Page Applications using AngularJS concepts of Components, Directives, Services, Promises, Templating, Scope, Dependency Injection and data binding
Involved in various SDLC phases like requirements gathering, design, and analysis and code development
Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection Spring DI and Spring MVC for REST API s and Spring Boot for micro-services and Used JDBC interfaces to perform CRUD operations on database.
Performed Data mapping, logical data modeling, created class diagrams and ER diagrams and used SQL queries to filter data.
Used Pivotal Cloud Foundry, the connection/service binding details is injected from the deployed cloud platform itself. Used AWS deployment services to quickly set up a dynamic website and configured virtual servers
Worked with Confidential AWS EC2, RDS and S3 as a data store for storing data into the buckets that fall into it. Used EC2 as an Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) and RDS as Platform as a Service (PAAS)
Used Bitbucket as source control tool for branching, merging and maintain code versions in the repository enabled using Maven Versioning Capability
Implemented Docker containers to create images of the applications and dynamically provision slaves to Jenkins CI/CD pipelines
Used AngularJS Directives like ng-app, ng-model, ng-repeat, ng-show, ng-hide, ng-controller, ng-route etc.
Worked on Docker container snapshots, attaching to the running container, removing images, managing containers
Designed and coded application components in an Agile/TDD environment utilizing a test-driven development and pair-programming.
Worked on big data (Splunk enterprise) to generate the Rest API and integrated that API to Client-side code using NodeJS, ExpressJS.
Redesigned Menu & Navigation to Angular2 and updated Loans and Contract forms for a better user experience.
Developed build tasks to run the unit tests on Jenkins and maintaining separate build in Maven for the module for easy integration to the portal build and configure with Jenkins.
Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using component-based architecture provided by Angular2.
Created a backend API using NodeJs, ExpressJs, and MongoDB. The API allows users to log in, follow users, post to followers, retrieve their feed, and much more. Built for use with a mobile application.
Worked with Reducers, React Containers to update the state of an App produced by Redux and by mapping those to the React component using React-Redux.
Implemented various Java design patterns like Front Controller, Service Locator, and Business Delegate, Data access Object, Singleton, and Session Fa ade.
Wrote Ansible Playbooks with Python SSH as the Wrapper to Manage Configurations of AWS Nodes and Test Playbooks on AWS instances using Python.

Environment: Java 1.7, Backbone.JS, Spring Boot, AWS, Spring Web MVC, Spring REST, Spring JPA, IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD) Eclipse, Apache Tomcat, Twitter Bootstrap, IBM Clear case, IBM Clear Quest, UML, XML, XHTML, HTML5, CSS3, ReactJS, XSL, Oracle, SQL Developer, Log4j.

Client: AMEX, NYC, NY Jun 2013 - Oct 2015
Java Fullstack Developer
Developed use case diagrams, object diagrams, class diagrams and sequence diagrams using UML.
Used Maven build tool achieve more functionality for build purpose.
Used Log4j to capture the log that includes runtime exception and for logging info and are helpful in debugging the issues.
Defined and constructed layers, server-side objects and client-side interfaces based on J2EE design patterns.
Developed architecture and design of large-scale Enterprise Java Applications primarily focused in domains like Banking, Finance, Credit Card Services, Home Mortgage, ERP and E-commerce domains.
Used WSDL and SOAP for the development of the XML based applications.
Developed Web Services using WSDL, SOAP, HTTP, and UDDI.
Experience in developing XML documents with XSD validations, SAX and DOM parsers to parse the data held in XML documents.
Designed and deployed API specification with testing case(Swagger).
Involved in batch processing using Spring Batch framework to extract data from database and load into corresponding Loan App tables.
Configuring the Mule process for fetching the data from topic and makes web service calls to the middle tier Mule ESB for processing.
Worked on the Mule API Gateway for the application of policies to API as well for managing the security. Also worked with the Proxy settings using the API Gateway for the API s.
Worked Docker container management along with volumes, container-based DB and services, Docker Anti factory configuration and setup.
Developed REST API's using Spring MVC and Spring boot, hosted all micro services on PCF.
Helped create and implement distributing data architectures using NOSQL technologies such as data distribution networks to deliver data into the data storage layer and API components for Client.
Expert in HTML5/CSS3 development and have experience ReactJS, angular5.2, Responsive design.
Designed Micro-Service architecture to divide application into business components using Spring Cloud.
Hands-on experience with Akka Play Framework MVC model, Object relational mapping tools like Slick
Used AngularJS as a framework to create a Single Page Application(SPA) and to monitor the states of the form and input fields and notify the user about the current state.
Involved in designing and implementation of MVC design pattern using Struts framework for Web-tier.
Used Struts, nodejs for web page development and front-end validations.
Converted a monolithic app to microservices architecture using Spring Boot using 12 factor app methodology.
Deployed, Scaled, Configured, wrote manifest file for various Microservices in PCF.
Experience in development of Agile Environment using TDD.
Creating SQL queries, PL/SQL stored procedures, functions for database layer by analyzing the required business objects and validating them with stored procedures.
Experience in working of AJAX technologies to support Web user interactions.
Experience in working of implementing the applications and web servers on Red Hat Linux Enterprise platform.
Used Hibernate Framework for object relational mapping and persistence.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring, Spring Boot, Mongo DB, Jasper Reports, Hibernate, Angular JS, Ajax, JavaScript, UML, Restful, Microservices, Tomcat, Linux, Servlet, MVC, Eclipse, Log4j,Webservices, Web Sphere, JUNIT, Maven, Jenkins, GIT, Agile.
Keywords: cprogramm cplusplus continuous integration continuous deployment user interface message queue javascript sthree database information technology procedural language Arizona Connecticut Minnesota Missouri New York

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