
Muneshwar Rao - Java Developer
[email protected]
Location: Mclean, Texas, USA
Name : Muneswara Rao

Phone : (D) (469) 707-8097
Email : [email protected]

Professional Summary:
I have around 9+ years of experience in Java with a full Software Development Life Cycle experience (Software analysis, design, development, architecture, deployment, testing, and maintenance).
Expertise in developing and implementing Web applications using Java Technologies including Java, JDBC , JPA/Hibernate, Spring Actuator, JSP, Servlets, Java Beans and EJB.
Implementing JPA/Hibernate, MyBatis, Object Relational-Mapping (ORM) solution, technique of mapping data representation from MVC model to Oracle Relational data model with SQL-based schema.
Experience with Single sign on, OAuth2.0 and Identity Management.
Extensive knowledge of the 12 factor app development principles enabled Spring Cloud config to externalize the configurations to retrieve the secrets, etc., by integrating with the Hashicorp vault service, Spring Cloud Sleuth to spread tracing across microservices.
Experience in deploying web application using Apache Tomcat, Heroku and cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Worked with Aerospace domain experts to develop software solutions for compliance with industry-specific regulations (e.g., AS9100, ISO 9001).
Designing user-responsive systems by integrating project reactor backend API with JSON, Angular 12, React JS, HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, and jQuery, a dynamic and reliable user interface.
Have strong front-end UI development skills using scripting languages HTML5, DHTML, CSS3, JSP, JavaScript, Typescript, React JS, Angular12, jQuery and Node.js as a platform for web applications.
Putting React Lazy Loading into practice, which improves how quickly a page loads at first.
Defined Angular routes using router module for components at module level to enable lazy loading for modules and components and allows to load JavaScript components asynchronously when a specific route is activated.
Built a microservices architecture to modularize the application, allowing the MES system to scale and support high-volume production environments.
Have working experience on Web Application Development with Framework like Struts and Spring MVC.
Expertise in server-based Node.js development and TD to build and execute API functional and performance test plans.
Expertise in Node.js tools like Gulp, Grunt, Web pack and developed CLI applications. Used popular Node.js frameworks like Express and RESTful to mock a RESTful API and RESTful Web API.
Having exposure to No-SQL databases like MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis and DynamoDB.
Have working experience with Behavior Driven Development(BDD) process and Test Driven Development (TDD)
Responsible for writing the Design Specifications for the generic and application specific web services in Groovy and Grails.
Experience in cloud services using Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Good at designing and developing a decision tree application using Neo4J graph database to model the nodes and relationships for each decision.
Ensuring Object-oriented programming (OOPS) techniques were used to improve the readability and maintainability of the code.
Experience in AWS cloud with features EC2, VPC, ELB, Auto-Scaling, Security groups, Route53, IAM, EBS, AMI, RDS, S3, SNS, SQS, CloudFormation, CloudFront and Direct Connect.
Experience in using message brokers such as ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ and Kafka.
Experience in working with Elasticsearch search engine and used logstash as a data pipeline for Elasticsearch using Java, Spark, and Hadoop.
Experience in using JSR 303 specification allows the validation rules to be specified directly into the fields inside any Java class which they are intended to validate, instead of creating validation rules in separate classes.
Designed and optimized Oracle DB integrations for seamless data management and retrieval, ensuring high performance under heavy user loads.
Clear understanding of the Mono, Flux, Redux, Animations, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, and React JS principles.
Integrated SonarQube for continuous static code analysis, ensuring adherence to code quality standards and reducing technical debt.
Creating clusters in Google Cloud and managing the clusters using Kubernetes. Using Jenkins to deploy code to Google cloud, create Docker images and pushing them to container registry of Google Cloud
Have working experience on front-end/presentation tier development using Struts Framework that includes JavaScript, Angular, Ajax and CSS.
Experience in writing SQL, PL/SQL Procedures / Functions, Triggers and Packages on Database (RDBMS) packages like Oracle, MySQL.
Experience in using Kubernetes to orchestrate the deployment, scaling and management of Docker Containers.

Technical Skills:
Programming Languages Java 1.8, 11, C, C++, Python, Java Script and Typescript
Frameworks Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Spring Cloud , Spring WebFlux, Spring Security, Spring Kafka and Spring Batch, Spring Framework, Babel, Webpack, NPM, Jasmine, Jest, Mocha, Protractor
Relational Databases Postgres, MSSQL, MySQL and Oracle with Flyway
Testing Tools Junit 5, Mockito and Spring Boot Integration Testing, End-to-End Testing, Selenium, TestNG, SonarQube
Monitoring tools Prometheus, Graffana, Alert Manager and Spring Micrometer
Java Enterprise Technologies: JBoss, WebSphere, JEE (Java EE), Enterprise application development
Messaging Platforms Kafka and RabbitMQ
No SQL Databases MongoDB, Cassandra, AWS DynamoDB & Redis
Cloud Platforms AWS - Lambda(Function, Layer), SNS, SQS, Step Function, API Gateway, Route 53, S3, IAM, DynamoDB, AWS Secrets, Cloud Formation, Cloud Front, PCF (Pivotal Cloud Foundry), RDS Postgres, GCP.
Containers Docker and Kubernetes
Security Scanning tools Check Marks, Fortify and Blackduck
BPM tools JBPM and BPMN 2.0
Front End technologies Angular , Angular Material, React and Node.JS

Professional Experience:

Client: EOG, TX
Role: Sr. Full Stack Java Developer
Jun 2023 Present
Project Description: Our project captures the results pertaining to the clinical trials. We have been following the microservices approach and role based clinical trials report etc. Our application would capture the costs associated with the clinical trials at the product level and cost center wise.

Involved in phases of SDLC such as analysis, design, implementation and testing through Agile scrum methodology with 2 weeks Sprint and 4 weeks release cycle.
Developed application based on Micro Services Oriented Architecture as it is fine-grained and possesses lightweight protocols and developed dynamic single page applications using Angular framework with HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap.
Developed and maintained high-volume data applications using Java and Big Data technologies such as Hadoop, Pig, and Hive.
Built confidential tool using Angular, RXJS, and NGRX platform. Developed components as an independent module for reusability across the application.
Log Back for the logging the output to the files and Google Stack Driver part of Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Designed, developed, and deployed enterprise-level Java applications in a Unix/Linux environment, improving system performance.
Developed Type script, Angular CLI compatible with multiple Angular components.
Used several Spring Features Spring, Spring DAO, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Security, Spring AMQP, Spring Integration, SpringIOC to implement business layer and navigate part application.
Worked on Microservices Environment connects with RESTful Web Services. Created automated script for RESTful-API testing using RESTful Assured framework.
Optimized Microservices using NodeJS and ES6 as interfaces to Cassandra NoSQL database.
Developed Web services to allow communication between applications through Go lang, RESTful and GraphQL over HTTP using Metro.
Configured and managed WebLogic server environments for deployment and scaling of applications, reducing downtime and improving application reliability.
Implementing OAuth 2.0 token-based authentication/authorization using Spring Security for securing APIs.
Worked on the Nimbus API to create JWT (JSON Web Token) tokens and OAuth 2.0 tokens.
Implemented business logic using Drools and the project as a multi-tier application using spring boot, Microservices & used core Spring concepts like AOP, IOC, ORM.
Worked extensively with SQL Server to manage and optimize large sets of transactional data related to production processes, quality checks, and compliance records in aerospace manufacturing.
Optimized services using NodeJS, ES6 as interfaces to Cassandra NoSQL database and programmed and prepared code for interfacing with Apache Tomcat systems.
Worked on Grafana Stack, Alert Manager, and Prometheus installation and configuration for PCF as well as platform monitoring and auto-healing.
Used Spring Kafka API calls to process the messages smoothly on Kafka Cluster setup.
Deployed the web app with the use of Apache Tomcat, AWS and GCP to enhance scalability.
Analyzed the volume of existing batch process and designed the Kafka Topic & partition.
Managed the life cycle of MongoDB including sizing, automation, monitoring, and tuning.
Developed several RESTful web services which produces both XML and JSON to perform tasks, leveraged by both Web Services as well other enterprise wide WebServices.
Worked on observability with the monitoring tools, logging and rate limiting with the API gateways.
Extensive experience with Java technologies in Multi-Threading, Synchronization & Exception Handling for gathering information from various servers in parallel.
Used RESTful APIs, Springboot and pivotal cloud foundry that developed Spring RESTful Architecture.
Worked with modules like MongoDB (NoSql) and mongoose for database persistence using Node.js to interact with MongoDB.
Used spring and Spring data JPA for implementing IOC and ORM for back end tiers.
Used Maven as a build and dependency management tool for creating EAR, WAR and JAR files to be deployed in application servers ,BitBucket, Jenkins, JMeter and JenkinsJobs.
Configured AWS Multi Factor Authentication in IAM to implement 2 step authentication of user's access using Google Authenticator and AWS Virtual MFA.
Defined the architecture, using Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and MongoDB.
Experienced in AWS cloud service like Compute, Network, Storage and Identity & access management.
Mentored the junior developers in critical tasks, explaining to them how to adhere to the process etc.
Created Restful API s and followed the best practices around the Naming conventions, using the methods of HTTP, Status Codes etc.
Contributed to an open-source project that standardized REST API design and documentation using OpenAPI specifications.
Used Node.JS to structure JavaScript code to build Restful webservices.
Active involvement in pre-deployment and post-deployment activities.
Used JIRA tool for Issue/bug tracking and Eclipse as an IDE for the Application development. Worked in an Agile environment using SDLC tools like GIT and GITLAB, Jira, Azure DevOps, and Maven for build packaging and deployments of the application components

Environment: Java, Microservices, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, MongoDB, AWS, GCP, RESTful web services, JMeter, Spring Cloud, Spring Security, GraphQL, Apache Kafka and Angular, Node js, Maven, Jira, Git, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Docker.

Client: Walgreens, IL
Role: Sr. Full Stack Java Developer
Aug 2022 May 2023
Project Description: Walgreens is a healthcare and retail leader, providing access to consumer goods and healthcare services. This project aims to enhance the customer experience through innovative solutions and digital transformation. The scope includes modernizing the online platform, improving navigation and search functionality, and integrating loyalty programs. The goal is to increase customer engagement, drive sales, and strengthen brand loyalty.

Involved in Analysis, Design and Implementation translation of Business User requirements.
Support and enhance SDLC cycle by using Docker containers delivered to OpenShift Container Platform.
Attuned with stakeholders such as product owners and End users to determine software requirements.
Actively engaged in sprint backlog grooming sessions and measuring the risks involved and eliciting the dependencies of the feature etc.
Developed and integrated applications with Solumina Manufacturing Execution System (MES), supporting real-time production monitoring and reporting in compliance with Aerospace industry standards.
Created Typescript reusable components services to consume RESTful API's using Component based architecture provided by React.
Supported Unix/Linux-based server maintenance, including log monitoring and disk management.
Designed and implemented enterprise-level applications using JEE and deployed them on JBoss and WebSphere application servers, ensuring scalability and high availability for clients.
Declared a Customizer bean that receives a Reactive Resilience 4J Circuit Breaker Factory enabled the Resilience 4J circuit breaker.
Tracked GCP (Google Cloud Platform) traffic for error-handling and troubleshooting scenarios.
Developed the single page application using the React JS which utilizes the classes, and modules feature from JavaScript ES6.
Utilized Drools for business rule management, enabling dynamic changes to application logic and improving operational flexibility.
Automated cloud infrastructure using AWS CDK and Terraform, enabling fast, repeatable, and scalable deployment of healthcare applications in the AWS cloud.
All the functionality is implemented using Spring IO, Thyme leaf and Spring data JPA ORM. Implemented Java components using Spring boot, Spring IOC, Spring transactions and Spring security modules.
Working Knowledge in React JS framework to develop the SPA and working with React Mono, Flux, Operators, and Async Annotation architecture.
Implemented generating the verification hash code using crypto package on Node.JS.
Worked with PostgreSQL to develop the application and wrote SQL and PL/SQL queries to test data sent through external API calls.
Developed integration with Google APIs (Google Drive, Google Directory)
Ensured client with no dependencies for HashiCorp's Vault secrets management system.
Automated the GCP account key rotation process with PowerShell script that will check the next expiry date of the key and download new key when available.
Accumulated sufficient understanding about external react libraries like React Router, Redux Sagas, Redux Thunk, and Axios JS.
Gained excellent knowledge of microservices patterns including the Saga pattern, the circuit breaker pattern, the CQRS pattern, the service discovery pattern, the API gateway pattern, etc.
Putting into practise EBS snapshot creation and RabbitMQ volume attachment to EC2 instances for EC2 backup.
Implemented various complex PL/SQL queries and Analyzed the SQL scripts.
Implemented load-balancing with NGINX to allow dozens of Node JS instances to handle thousands of concurrent users.
Built back-end services to handle large datasets and ensure compliance with industry standards (e.g., AS9100 and ISO 9001).
Experienced in developing Cloud computing microservices viz Config service, Service Discovery, Circuit breaker pattern using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Netflix based Eureka Discovery, Eureka Server, Zuul, Ribbon, Hystrix and Feign.
Developed various JUnit test cases for Unit Testing.
Implemented various Java design patterns like Front Controller, Singleton, fa ade, Data Access objects, Factory pattern, etc.
Implemented the application using the concrete principles laid down by several design patterns such as Maven, Business Delegate, Data Access Object, and Singleton.
Worked with Express.js for development of RESTful web services and middleware configurations.
Created CI/CD for deploying in Jenkins and Used Jenkins to integrate with other tools.
Prepared Java development structure for Maven.
Redesigned and re-implemented services using NGINX, Node JS, Express JS, Mongo DB, and MySQL.
Provide the development team with architectural blueprints to follow the industry best practices.
Documented the API s using the open API spec with the help of Swagger.
Enhancing the application's performance and bringing up the technical issues early in the project.
Implemented the DAO pattern to connect to the database and retrieve data.

Environment: Java, React, JavaScript, Spring Boot, Spring data JPA, PostgreSQL, RESTful web services, GCP, RabbitMQ, Docker, Jenkins, Docker, Node js, Junit, Mockito, Maven.

Client: Virgin Green Media, India
Role: Java Developer
Aug 2019 June 2021

Involved in SDLC Requirements gathering, Analysis, Design, Development and testing of application using Agile methodology (SCRUM) and Design Driven Development.
Using Implemented entity modeling and JavaScript technologies such as React Js, Node JS, Postgres and Express JS.
Maintained and updated a GraphQL layer to allow retrieval and updates of user interactions with PostgreSQL database
Contributed to an Aerospace project by developing custom Solumina MES interfaces for a major aerospace manufacturer.
Developed and optimized backend services using Spring Boot to integrate MES functionality with enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, ensuring smooth production workflows.
Collaborated with the backend team to design, define, and implement GraphQL types and resolvers to provide the necessary data for frontend development while maintaining minimal calls to the database
Collaborated with cross-functional teams, including data science, product, and DevOps, to ensure smooth integration of Big Data solutions across business units
Maintained and updated unit and integration tests for both the GraphQL and lib level to validate behavior
Created Responsive Layouts for multiple devices and platforms using foundation framework.
Designed RESTful web services with JSON representation for handling Ajax requests Used Advanced RESTful Client plug-in to run the RESTful API on localhost Tomcat Server for Unit testing.
Implemented Spring Validators, persistence layer, and service layer components using Spring/JPA/Hibernate API and Spring/JPA/Hibernate annotations. Extensively used JPA/Hibernate QL.
Implemented PL/SQL queries and used oracle stored procedures.
Experience with Front-end JavaScript frameworks like Angular JS, Node JS. And with the creation of RESTful Web service.
Integrated Dynatrace for real-time performance monitoring and Splunk for centralized logging, ensuring high availability and rapid issue resolution for mission-critical healthcare applications.
Engaged in creating connections to the Oracle Server database, retrieving data from the database using JDBC prepared statements, and composing queries.
Developed reusable ExtJS components Such as Viewport, Panel, and Grids etc. Developed Pagination for Search Results using Ext Paging Store.
Designed new library development with micro services architecture using RESTful APIs, spring boot and pivotal cloud foundry.
Assisted in deploying APIs to Apigee and ensured security using OAuth and JWT tokens for user authentication and authorization.
Used date-format and moment packages in Node.JS to save the timestamp in database converting into GMT. Involved in Test Driven Development by writing unit test cases.
Implemented client-side validations using JavaScript
Configured IBM Web Sphere resources like JDBC providers, JDBC data sources, connection pooling, and JavaMail sessions.
Configured Maven dependencies for application building processes
Used Angular directives to extend HTML to create the foundation for rich and complex web applications.
Used jQuery event handling in UI pages to display list boxes and to handle validations.
Created a template for the code review guidelines and updated in confluence to be followed within the team by setting up a meeting with the team members.
Developed client request validations and processing using JavaScript.
Migrating existing applications into micro services architecture using RESTful APIs, spring.
Core development experience for Groovy Grails RESTful web services.
Documented the API s using the open API spec with the help of Swagger.
Participated in requirements gathering and interacting with the business stakeholders.
Actively participated in collaborative development processes, providing feedback during design and code review sessions to enhance project outcomes

Environment: Java, Spring boot, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, Node js, GraphQL, Angular, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, Servlet, Oracle and MongoDB.

Client: Aarian Intasel Service Pvt Ltd, India
Role: Java Developer
Dec 2016 July 2019

Used Spring MVC and Dependency Injection for handling presentation and business logic.
To maintain loose coupling between layers, published the business layer as services and injected necessary dependent components using Spring IOC and published cross cutting concerns like Logging, User Interface exceptions, Transactions using Spring AOP.
Built and developed servlets to handle asynchronous java batch requests, both scheduled and on-demand jobs using CRON scheduler.
Contributed to both front-end and back-end development of a large-scale e-commerce platform, using Java for the backend and React.js for the frontend.
Implemented responsive web designs that adhere to WCAG accessibility standards, ensuring a user-friendly experience for all users.
Worked with Webpack and Babel to optimize JavaScript and CSS code for fast page loading times and compatibility across browsers.
Worked with SVN and Mercurial to manage version control, maintaining consistent project history and enabling collaboration within a distributed team.
Provided guidance on adhering to ADA compliance and WCAG standards, ensuring the platform was fully accessible to users with disabilities.
Used Spring Security for Authentication and Authorization of the application. Integrated with Active directory for authentication and Oracle Based role mgmt for the authorization
Consumed Web Services to interact with other external interfaces to exchange the data in different forms by using RESTful service.
Implemented SOA architecture with Web Services using SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and XML using Apache CXF framework
Created tables, triggers, PL/SQL Stored Procedures, SQL queries, Joins, i2ntegrity constraints and views for Oracle.
Involved in Bug fixing of various modules that were raised by the testing teams in the application during the Integration with MSSQL and testing phase.
Participated in Code Reviews of other modules, documents and test cases.
Started initiatives to send tech communications and tips to the team by creating a channel in team meetings.
Ensure that the final product is bug free and the complete functional requirements are met.

Environment: Java, Spring MVC, Spring JDBC, Spring ORM, Oracle, AWS, SOAP Web Services etc.

Client: ScriptBees - Hyderabad, India
Role: Java/J2EE Developer
May 2014 Nov 2016

Developed the web interface using MVC design pattern with Struts framework.
Designed and implemented most of the Java related portions of the application including EJBs for encapsulating business logic.
Developed server side utilities using J2EE technologies Servlets, JSP, JDBC using JDeveloper.
Developed the JSP s using the struts framework tag libraries.
Developed the WORKFLOW concept using the struts framework to avoid the back button problems.
Responsible to analyze existing C ++ project to prepare business logic documents.
Was responsible to communicate with End client to support the application and analyze the issue and fixed the issue.
Worked with Babel to ensure backward compatibility for older browsers while leveraging modern JavaScript features.
Collaborated with senior developers on writing test cases using Jasmine and Mocha for unit and functional testing.
Assisted in the development of single-page applications (SPAs) using Angular and JavaScript, focusing on user experience and scalability.
Supported the migration of legacy front-end applications to modern JavaScript frameworks, improving performance and maintainability.
Preparation of Test Plans.
Maintained the struts-config files, tiles definition files and web.xml.
Session Beans are designed in such a way to serve the following: Inserting, updating, and deleting data from the database.
Developed and executed the business validation logic in form beans.
The framework involves a struts framework, which internally uses the J2EE design patterns.
Developed the servlets, and beans for the application.
Involved in application development and unit testing.
Implemented the security features and access roles in Web Pages and Filtering of requests.
Developed Application on MVC software architecture using struts separating presentation from business logic.
Developed Struts Action Classes, and Action Forms and implemented Struts Validation Framework.
Applied Springs IOC Container to facilitate Dependency Injection.
Used spring for handling Data Access Exception and Transaction Exception
Refactored large code base to conform to best practices, including MDB Listeners to spring design patterns.
Involved in developing the core base Classes and designed the packaging needed for the project.


Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science Engineering - 2014, JNTU, Kakinada, India
Master of science in computer and information science - July 2022, Southern Arkansas University, Magnolia, AR
Keywords: cprogramm cplusplus continuous integration continuous deployment user interface javascript sthree database information technology golang procedural language Arkansas Illinois Texas

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