
Sai Srinivas - AEM Developer
[email protected]
Location: Denver, Colorado, USA
Name: Sai Srinivas
Role: Sr AEM Developer
E-mail: [email protected]
Ph.: 856-367-8599

9+ years experience in Software development including analysis, design and testing in Java, J2EE Technologies and around 5 years using Adobe AEM (Adobe Experience Manager 6.3) and recent (6.5.10) to develop large scale web applications
Strong experience in AEM Component Development, Templates, Sling Servlets, Sling Models, OSGI Services, DAM (Digital Asset Management), Workflows, Experience Fragments, Content Fragments, Multi-site Management etc.,
Experience in Headless CMS Implementation with Content Fragments using Sling Servlets, Sling Model Jackson Exporter
Extensive exposure to different Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies using Agile and Waterfall methodologies
Developed custom CQ components on top of JCR (Java Content Repository) and Apache Sling, CRX, and OSGI framework.
Implemented touch-based dialogs using Coral/Granite UI
Being a Full-scale developer, taken care of User story Estimations, Modules Development, Code reviews, Deployments, Code merges and Critical Issues trouble shooting etc.
Experienced in developing CMS based applications using AEM, Apache Sling and OSGI.
Having good trouble shooting or problem-solving skills and provides best solutions
Developing and administering multiple modules using Sling API, JCR API, CQ /WCM API
Expertise in developing Enterprise level applications using Sightly, JSP, J2EE technologies like JSP, JDBC, Servlets.
Hands on experience Adobe Target Products, Adobe Analytics, Dynamic Tag Management.
Strong experience with setting up AEM using Maven and standard Eclipse IDE
Exposure to dispatcher configurations as part of AEM website architecture
Having good Knowledge working with Web Services especially based on Rest API
Experienced in Object oriented analysis, design and development using Java, J2EE (Servlets, JSPs, JDBC)
Experience developing UI for the applications using JSP, HTML5, XML, CSS, JavaScript, and Ajax
Experience working with Bug/features tracking tools like Rally, JIRA.
Experience in using CI/CD tools like Jenkins.


Content Management Adobe AEM 6.5,6.4,6.3,6.2,6.1,6.0, OSGI, Apache Felix, Apache Sling API, JCR, CRX, Apache Jackrabbit, OAK, Adobe Target, Analytics
Operating Systems Windows, UNIX, Linux
JAVA Stack JAVA, J2EE, JDBC, JSP, Servlets, Junit
Databases Oracle 10g/12c, SQL Server
Automation and Build Tools Maven, Jenkins, SonarQube, Eclipse, IntelliJ, SQL Developer
Version Control & Tracking Tools SVN, GitHub, Bit bucket, Rally, Jira, Azure DevOps
Scripting JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Handlebars, HTL, CSS, Bootstrap, HTML, Groovy Script
Other Tools WinSCP, Putty, Splunk
SDLC Methodologies Waterfall, Agile, SCRUM


Role: Senior AEM Developer Aug 2022 Till Date
Client: Dish Network, CO

Implemented Touch UI components using Sling Models, Sling Servlets, OSGi Components/Services and Sightly HTML Templating Language
Creating Editable templates, page components, custom workflows as per the requirements
Worked on Experience Fragments and Content Fragments
Involved in migration of website to 6.5.10.
Designed and developed AEM building blocks including templates, components, dialogs, widgets, and Adobe DAM
Worked on Multi Site Manager (MSM) to develop live copy from blueprint, such that the structure and content can then be rolled out to the live copies.
Consuming REST and SOAP API Services during the component development for fetching backend data.
Responsible for organizing/maintaining Client libraries.
Worked on integration of AEM with Adobe Target, Adobe analytics with DTM.
Used SCR annotations while creating Servlets, schedulers, listeners, workflows.
Managed Users, Groups and System Users and Access Control Level (ACL) permissions
Troubleshoot caching issues related to Dispatcher and browsers.
Involved in configurations such as Dispatcher, Replication, and Dispatcher Flush agents.
Integrated Dialog and Design Dialog for all the content-based components which allow to render the content dynamically.
Created Custom loggers in Felix Console
Preparing the technical design documents/authoring guides for the user stories which I worked on
Experience working in Agile environment, involved in Daily Standup calls, Sprint Planning and Story Grooming sessions.
Worked with DevOps team for setting up the pipeline.
Involved in production deployments.
Provided reader extensions to the forms using AdminUI
Interacting with business team on the requirements
Environment: AEM 6.5, Java, Maven, HTML, CSS, Apache Felix, Apache Sling, CA Agile Rally, Web Services, Adobe Target, JSON, REST, SOAP Services, OSGi, Servlets, Sightly HTL, JavaScript, CSS

Role: Senior AEM Developer Oct 2021 July 2022
Client: Fitch Ratings, PA

Created custom templates using Adobe experience manager 6.3.
Developed multiple custom components using AEM.
Working knowledge on AEM 6.3 version.
Migrated from AEM 6.2 to AEM 6.3.
Created AEM Components with Custom Dialogs and with cacheable responses.
OSGi bundle containing components is created and OSGi services are accessed from AEM components.
Working on sightly based touch UI components and templates.
Creating Oak indexes for making search execution faster in AEM.
Created Touch UI and Classic UI AEM components and also created few dialogs using version 6.3.
Responsible for design, development and unit and integration testing of AEM components, templates and the corresponding web services.
Developed UI using HTML, CSS, JavaScript validations and XML.
Collaborate with Architects on the design and architecture for our team's deliverables.
Created Web-services both Restful and Soap based from scratch
Documented each and every user story. Review of Code and prepared test cases.
Design and development of web pages using AEM, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ajax and JQuery.
Worked on JavaScript for better performance of previously existing web pages.
Work on components, forms, templates and workflows.
Create Users and Groups for workflow management.
Worked on Cloud/SAAS integrations.
Document each and every user story. Review of Code and prepared test cases.
Develop custom components, customized forms for Internet and Intranet sites of the company.
Coded JavaScript for page functionality and Pop up Screens and used HTML to make dropdown menus on web pages and display part of a web page upon user request.
Used JQuery core library functions for the logical implementation part at client side for all the application.
Main code changes were done in JSP, JQuery, and AJAX and JavaScript environment.

Environment: AEM 6.3, AEM 6.2, JCR, Apache Felix JAVA, J2EE, POJO, JSON, Adobe Experience Manager, Sightly, HTML5, Ext JS, CSS3, Maven, GITHUB, Restful Web services, Agile, SCRUM, Akamai, JIRA, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON.

Role: Senior AEM Developer Jan 2021 Oct 2021
Client: Park View Health, Fort Wayne, IN

Install, configure, and deploy AEM 6.3 Author, Publish, and Dispatcher servers on prod and lower environments.
Upgraded Legacy applications from AEM 5.6.1 to 6.3.
Developed AEM custom components, RESTful web services, listeners, handlers, workflows, schedulers, console overlay, MSM, OSGI Services, OSGI components and Servlets.
Effectively used HTL and Sling Models for implementing Templates and Components.
Developed business workflows, translation workflows image renditions workflow models which involves participant steps, dynamic participants, and process steps.
Defined and Developed MSM and Internalization (i18n) for the web site.
Worked on CRX as a repository and accessing the CRX content nodes by SQL Queries and XPath.
Used Angular JS to provide services to different components of portal.
Experience with Services of AWS like Ec2, Elastic Beanstalk, S3, Route53
Worked on the Angular JS for reading and Posting JSON data.
Experience in rendering Forms in different formats (Forms Guide, HTML Forms, PDF Forms).
Worked on Forms customization by developing the custom form fields, writing the custom constraints for form fields and specifying the global validation resource type at the form level.
Built various web pages using Java Script, HTML, CSS and JQuery.
Effectively used dispatcher caching rules to cache the static pages and static json responses.
Effectively used handlebars for client-side templating to generate the dynamic views.
Implemented content migration strategies and executed them successfully in both lower and Prod environments
Developed Page Auditing, which will provide the ability to the business to track the content publishing and cache management.
Used VLT to sync content between different AEM environments.
Automated weekly and daily scheduled maintenance tasks.
Implemented server monitoring and worked with operations on creating dashboards.
Used Test Driven Development techniques to increase code quality and reliability.
Developed Java Servlets related to forms and workflows for invoking webservices.
Involved in build and deployment using Jenkins (continuous integration) for different work environments.

Environment: Adobe AEM-5.6.1, 6.3, Sightly, JAVA, jQuery, Angular JS, AJAX, Handlebars.js, CSS, Bootstrap, FileVault, Web Services, JUnit, GIT, Jenkins and Maven, SonarQube, CRXDE, Eclipse, Linux, Windows7.

Role:AEM Developer Oct 2019 Dec 2020
Client: Phillips 66, Houston, TX


Developing Editable Templates, page components in AEM 6.3 and AEM 6.4
Involved in developing custom components compatible with touch UI using Sightly
CreatedExperience Fragmentsfor Header and Footer
Involved in Designing, Coding and Unit Testing using Mockito framework
Developing OSGI components, OSGI Services using OSGI R6 annotations
Responsible for deployments, giving permissions for User/groups based on their roles
Worked on implementing SAML Authentication Login (Single-Sign On) for the end-user
Involved in solving technical problems related to performance like configuring replication agents
Also, fixed defects and any issues which were found in the application on various instances
Efficiently used Apache Sling/JCR for Content Resolution and handling dynamic data
Developed Custom Workflows
Using bug tracking tools like JIRA and Confluence for project documentation
Using Maven to build and generate code analysis reports
Taken care of AEM code reviews and design approaches
Mentoring and training other team members on project related technologies like AEM, Rally and other tools
Have part of recurring meetings such as Daily Scrum, Daily working session, Stakeholder feedback, Sprint Demos, Sprint retrospectives and Production Release
Content authoring and maintenance for test environments, including Campaigns and Segmentation. Interacting with business team for clarifications on the requirements.
Experience working in an agile environment, involved in daily standup meetings

Environment:Java (jdk1.8), AEM 6.1, AEM 6.3, AEM 6.4, HTML, Adobe Target, CSS, Ajax, jQuery, Apache Sling, CRXDE, CRX, WCM, Confluence, Windows, and Linux

Role: AEM Developer Oct 2016 June 2019
Client: Incor Tech Pvt.Ltd, Hyderabad


Worked on AEM 6.1, SP1 and Sightly
Integration of AEM with Adobe Marketing cloud and other third-party services
Developed Dynamic components based on the Query results obtained from the Database.
Created components using Sightly HTML template language by replacing the traditional JSP.
Worked on creating multiple TAGS using the taxonomy paths from the database.
Developed Servlets to handle requests from the client in an OSGi bundle.
Involved in content migration from AEM 6.0 to 6.1 Implemented Image renditions for continuous and consistent experience of content across all devices.
Created a dynamic Breadcrumb component based on the JCR structure and taxonomy levels.
Used sling resource merger concept to overlay the foundation page to add multiple custom properties to the page.
Server monitoring and implementing automated/custom maintenance tasks.
Used GIT as version control to restore assets to previous versions later and integrated with Jenkins for continuous integration and builds.
Configured and used Framework Logging based on SL4J logger factor for logging all the debugging and error information.
Implemented server-side service components using Apache Felix framework and Apache sling
Integrated JIRA system with Workflow functionalities.
Perform unit testing and support testing team during iteration and release testing.
Involved in building, deploying the code, moving code to different environments, and supporting the application postproduction and maintenance.
Administration activities like backing up, content bundling
Managing and maintaining workflows, replications and complete backup of instances, Linux servers and configurations.
Analyzing and identifying the problems and fixing the issues.
Environment: AEM6.0, 6.1, Adobe CQ5, Adobe live cycle, JAVA, J2EE, OSGI, Spring Integration, HIBERNATE, MYSQL, AJAX, JSON, HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, jQuery, SQL, Jenkins, Maven, SOAP UI, XPath, XML, LINUX, JSP, Web Services (SOAP, REST), Eclipse, GIT

Role: Java Developer Nov 2014 Sep 2016
Client: Innoplus tech solutions, Hyderabad, India

Involved in requirement analysis and played a key role in project planning.
Designed, Developed and analyzed the frond-end and back-end using JSP, Servlets and the Struts
Developed the web pages using JSP, JavaScript, CSS, AJAX and Servlets.
Developed various J2EE components like Ajax, JMS and MQ series with the help of RAD application framework. Involved in working with large sets of data ("big data"), in data crunching/massaging real time health care claims /biometric data.
PIG for ETL needs, and helped external ETL teams debug issues
Managed and reviewed Hadoop log files.
Created Hive queries that helped business analysts spot data patterns.
Started using Apache Spark to simplify the big data management.
jQuery to select and manipulate HTML elements and CSS manipulation.
Experience in handling designed, Developed and Implemented document transformation applications using XML Spy tool and XSD's.
the help of XML using XSL
Used the Spring JDBC for data retrieval from the database for various inquiries.
Wrote complex SQL queries to retrieve data from the Oracle database.
Environment: Java, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, JavaScript, CSS, MySQL, JUnit, Eclipse, Apache Tomcat
Keywords: continuous integration continuous deployment user interface message queue javascript sthree California Colorado Pennsylvania Texas

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