
[email protected]
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA
Visa: H1B
Employer : [email protected]; [email protected]; (609) 778-4215 ext 1000


1. Professional Summary:

10+ years of experience in Java/J2EE, Software Development Life Cycle, Object Oriented programming, developing and testing of Client/Server, Enterprise and Web Applications.
Experienced in working various domains such as Healthcare, Banking, telecom, Retail, ecommerce.
Expertise in Core Java concepts such as OOP concepts, Collections Framework, Exception Handling, I/O System, Multi - Threading, JDBC, Reflection, SWING and Generics.
Proficient in the development of client/server and web Applications using JAVA, J2EE, J2SE technologies and Web Technologies for enterprise applications.
Strong experience in configuring backend using various Spring frameworks features such as Spring MVC, Spring AOP, Spring IOC, Spring Boot, Spring ORM and Spring Security.
Experienced with developing rich user interface applications using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, jQuery, Angular 8.0, 11,12,14 JS, Node JS, React JS, JSON
Created NodeJS scripts to automate AWS services which include web servers, ELB, Cloud front distribution, databases, security groups and application configuration.Experience in implementing usage of Node.js and NPM, especially for Node build processes like GULP.
Developed and improved and maintained various pharmacy backend API s using technologies like Java, Spring boot, Graphql.
Involved in migrating Websphere Application Server 6.1 to 7.x and 8.0
Experinced in desiging, developing and deploying Session, EntityEjbs, Ajax, JSPs, Servlets.
Good experience in extracting and analyzing the very large volume of data covering a wide range of information from a user profile to transaction history using machine learning tools.
Proficient in understanding and analyzing business requirements, building predictive models, designing experiments, testing hypothesis, and interpreting statistical results into actionable insights and recommendations.
Developed highly scalable classifiers and tools by leveraging Machine learning , Apache spark & deep learning
Developed user interface by using Reactjs, Flux and SPA development.
Strong experience in working on JavaScript environment like MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node)
Strong knowledge in implementing IOC and Dependency Injection features in various aspects of Spring Framework.
Extensive experience using DB2 LUW/UDB EE and DB2 LUW/UDB EEE on LINUX/UNIX platform
Extensive work experience in DB2 Data Replication (DPropR), Stored procedure (SP), user defined function and User defined table function.
Good knowledge on the Spring Modules like Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring DAO, Spring Batch, Spring Web Flow, Spring Security and Spring Boot.
Experienced in using Restful framework like JAX-RS Framework, SOAP Web services using JAX-WS, Jersey.
Expertise in using NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Apache Cassandra 2.0.12 as a distributed database management system and writing queries to it using CQL 3.0.
In-depth knowledge of PL/SQL with the experience in constructing the triggers, tables, functions, user defined data type, procedures etc.
Involved in configuring the WebSphere load balancing utilizing WebSphere Workload Management including horizontal scaling, vertical scaling, creating dynamic clusters, setting up node groups and application versioning in WebSphere MQ environments.

Technical Skills:
Programming Languages: Java(J2SE 1.8/1.7/1.6/1.5, J2EE1.5/1.4, SQL, PL/SQL
Web Technologies: CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, Angular 8.0, 9,11,12,14, Ajax, Backbone.js, React, Node.js, Bootstrap, JSP, Servlets, Node.js, React.js, Flux, BackboneJS,Redux, EcmaScript6, ReactJS, EJB, Hibernate, Struts, Spring, JDBC, HTML, DHTML,CSS, XML, XHTML Web Services,kafka,Spring Boot, ExpressJs
JAVA/J2EE Technologies: Core Java, Threads, Swing, I/O, JavaBeans, Servlets,Hibernate, JSP, JDBC, EJB, JAXB, JMS, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS
XML Technologies: XML, XHTML, XPath, XQuery
Frameworks: Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Spring, JSF, JPA,EJB,JMS.
Development Tools: Eclipse, Net Beans, IntelliJ, Spring tool Suite .
Operating Systems: Windows XP/Vista/7/8,10, UNIX, Linux, Mac OS.
Build Tools: ANT, Gradle, Maven, npm
Web/ Application Servers: WebSphere, Apache Tomcat,WebLogic, JBoss.
Tools: Junit, Selenium web Driver, TestNG, Protractor, Mockito.
Debugging Tools& CI/CD: JIRA, Jenkins, Ansible
Web/App/DB Servers: IBM WebSphere, WebLogic, Apache Tomcat, JBoss.
Version control: SVN, GIT
Distributed platforms: Hortonworks, Cloudera, MapR
Project Management :Agile Methodology, Jira.
Databases: Oracle 11g, DB2, MS SQL Server 2008,PostGreSQL, MySQL 5.0, IBM DB2, MS-Access, Oracle,MongoDB, Cassandra

Bachelors of Engineering in Computer Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, in April 2012
Masters in Computer science 2015 April, Wright state university.

Professional Experience:
Client Name: Norfolk Southern May 2023 to Present
Title: Lead Java Developer
Location: Atlanta, GA.
My Roles and Responsibilities:

Participated in Design discussions to develop various applications catering to the services of the organization.
Developed and improved and maintain various backend API s using technologies like Java, Spring boot, Sql,AWS.
operationalized the micro services and helped the developers converting from monolithic infrastructure to the micro servicesinfrastructure and deployed the micro services in Kubernetes.
Built the CI/CD pipelines by writing Jenkins pipeline and deployed on Kubernetes for Nodejs and java applications.
Used Ansible tool for automated deployments in windows environment. Wrote Docker files for spinning up agents on ECS far gate for the Jenkins agents.
Used Microservices architecture with Spring Boot-based services interacting through a combination of REST.
Implemented asynchronous messaging using Kafka clusters and developed failure resistant applications using circuit breaker and retry mechanisms.
Developed applications using Angular 12, Java11 and new features of java
* Designed and implemented a Kafka-based data pipeline that processed over 500,000 messages per second, reducing latency by 40%"
* "Built a fault-tolerant, scalable Kafka cluster that handled real-time data streaming for a large health care platform, ensuring 99.99% uptime"
Configured WebSphere resources for database JDBC providers and data sources and MQ resources QManagers, qcfs and queue destinations .
Configured WebSphere JMS settings like Queues, Topics, Activation Specifications, Queue connection
Extensively worked on Oracle database for writing complex queries in the business logic layer
Developed powerful Single Page Application and dynamic responsive Web Application with Angular12.
Worked on Maven's dependency management to automatically resolve and include project dependencies, reducing manual configuration and ensuring compatibility across different environments.\
Used Microservice architecture with Spring Boot-based services interacting through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka message brokers.
Worked with Node.js, Expert knowledge of modern back-end JavaScript (Node.js), front-end JavaScript, Angular, HTML, & CSS, including libraries and frameworks
Strong experience in working on JavaScript environments like MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node)
Created AWS Lambda functions for AWS configure rules using Node.js. Heavily used Lambda function on text object methods Context object properties using Node.js.
Architected and developed a distributed system for real-time data processing, improving data throughput by 30%.
Managed the migration of database and messaging configurations, ensuring data integrity and system reliability during the transition.
Prepared and Executed Automation Test Cases as per Requirements using Selenium Web Driver using java.
Performed Data driven testing of the web based tool using selenium Web Driver using java and testNG
Migrated the Java applications from JBOSS EAP6 to EAP7 and built CI CD Pipelines with Jenkins, Docker and Kubernetes.
Migrating data between IBM DB2 subsystems,Provided full range of production IBM DB2 support for all mission critical databases.
Experienced in developing applications using web/application servers, IBM WebSphere Liberty, and JBoss.
Migrated the applications from java 8 to 11 as part of integrating with modern frameworks.
Created Angular JS Directives, Components, Pipes, Injectable across the whole system, such as to build the custom filter. Highly used Angular 12 Router to build single page application for navigation through the different status
Responsible for ReactUI and architecture &Building componentslibrary , includingTree, Table grid
Implemented and managed horizontal, vertical, and hybrid clusters for WebSphere Liberty, improving application performance and reliability.
Maintained and updated a GraphQL layer to allow retrieval and updates of user interactions with PostgreSQL database
The applications that I am supporting are High Availabilty distributed applicaiton systems behind load balancers.I was involved in developing and configuring scripts for deployment of such applicaiton systems.
Intensively involved in IBM WebSphere Application Server troubleshooting scenarios like Out of memory,Java hangs, crashes, and debugging bottlenecks in resource pools by taking Heap Dump, Java Core dump using IBM tools like Heap analyzer and Memory Diagnostic Tool MDD4J .
Collaborated with the backend team to design, define, and implement GraphQL types and resolvers to provide the necessary data for frontend development while maintaining minimal calls to the database
Worked with Sealed classes and interface in java 17 for java faster speed of an application and to simplify the coding.
Developed Microservices with Spring Eureka to retrieve API routes for the entire cluster. Using this strategy each Microservices in a cluster can be load balanced and exposed through one API gateway.
Implemented SQL and NOSql database technologies based on application needs using SQL server and Mongo DB.
Environment: JAVA17, 11,8/J2EE, Spring Framework 4, Python, Spring Boot ,DB2, Angular 12,14, REST, JAX-RS, JUnit, Maven, Node Js, , WebLogic Server 12c, React,Python, Websphere, AWS Resources, PostgreSQL.

Client:Experian, Allen, Tx Aug 2022- April 2023
Role: Sr Full Stack Java Developer
Involved in Analsysis and Design of various modules using J2EE architecture for enterprise applications.
Worked in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept. Developed single page application by using Covalent open-source framework, which is built on Angular 9
Worked on kafka and jboss and elk for another business unit used apache kafka for pub and sub pattern in java.
Worked with Apache Kafka for messaging systems, stream processing ad metric collection.
Worked on creating Docker Containers and Docker files for managing the application life cycle.
Dockerized the spring boot application with MySQL and deployed as well.
Provided a consistent environment using Kubernetes for deployment scaling and load balancing to the application from development through production, easing the code development and deployment pipeline by implementing Docker containerization.
* Developed and maintained 10+ Kafka consumer applications processing over 50 million messages per day.
* Built scalable Java microservices using Spring Boot and Kafka Streams to process real-time data pipelines, enhancing data processing efficiency by 25%
Worked on creation of test databases/ Alteration of DB2 Objects
Developed business components by using Spring Boot, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Annotations, Spring Cloud &Persistence layer by using SpringData JPA along with Web Services (RESTful).
Having Good Experience in using Reactive API/programming while implementing the applications that are asynchronous and event-driven with the Spring based Web-Flux client. Developed user interface by using the React JS, Flux for SPA development.
Developed UI using Angular 9, Bootstrap, TypeScript, for interactive cross browser functionality and complex user interface.
Led the development of a distributed event-driven system for real-time notifications, improving user engagement by 40%
Used Kotlin for implementing new modules in the application.
Used multithreaded environment to run processes asynchronously using future calls to access the data.
Performed Java web application development using J2EE and NetBeans.
Expertise in coding optimized SQL queries on databases like MySQL, SQL Server and Oracle.
Developed modules using Core Java APIs, Collections, Java 1.8 (Streams), Multi-threading, Exception Handling, Generics, Enums, Java I/O and object-oriented designs patterns.
Implemented and managed horizontal, vertical, and hybrid clusters for WebSphere Liberty, improving application performance and reliability.
Gained hands-on experience in Data Integration, Performance Tuning, and troubleshooting problems, with exposure to the complete software development and maintenance lifecycle.
Implemented customized authentication in Spring Security to verify user-role and secure the user pages
Used JAX-RS for creating Restful web service and implemented authentication by using OAuth2 Security Framework.
Working as a Lead and involved in translating technical requirements into technical design documents,establish specific solutions, and leading the efforts including programming and testing.
Designed complex SQL Queries, stored procedures & triggers on SQL Server database.
Creation, enhancement, and maintenance of PostgreSQL database functions
Used Stored Procedures for applications that needed to execute as part of a scheduling mechanisms.
Developed and maintained backend services using Node.js and PostgreSQL.
Implemented IBM db2 for efficient data querying and mutation
Installed and configured Installation Manager 5.x/6, Package utility for local repository,Websphere application server 9.0,8.5.01/, Wily APM 9.x, on Unix/Linux Vmware, Solaris, Windows 2008.
Developed Spring Boot based Microservices & implemented Spring cloud/Netflix API architecture patterns (Eureka Service discovery, Configuration server).
Used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB and Angular were used for frontend to develop the database and web system.
Experienced on spring framework applications like Spring Core, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Spring Batch, Spring Security and Spring Boot and did integration to Micro services into existing system architecture.
Designed scripts to filter and transform the huge data in troubleshooting the issues.
Developed Test Cases and performed unit test using JUnit with Mockito Framework.
Developed Angular unit test cases to test angular components using Grunt, Protractor, Karma and Angular 10, TypeScript, Tested REST API using REST Assured framework.

Mitchell International, San Diego, CA Jan 20-Aug2022
Role: Sr Java Fullstack Developer
Migrated existing applications into REST based Micro services to provide all the CRUD capabilities using Spring Boot with SpringDataJPA.
Architected in Transitioning from Spring boot monolithic applications to Spring boot Microservices
Developed Restful APIs for microservices by using Java,Springboot integrating with React js.
Developed Micro-services using Spring Boot and Netflix stack (Hystrix, Eureka, Zuul, zipkin and Ribbon)
Worked on displaying the data by using the custom components,library components and Redux.
Developed applications using Angular 8, Java8 with the functional programming
Worked simultaneously in both production and development teams and took part in designing and developing dynamic web pages using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, SASS, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular 7/8 for single page applications.
Analyzing the Java code and implementing the new service using RESTFul API which can populate data in enterprise application UI
Used NodeJS to run React on server with mock JSON data and completed the UI development independent of server.
Architected migrating on prem applicaitons to AWS in infrastructure as well as platform migration also.
Created publisher and consumer event services by Kafka events using Spring Framework.
Implemented Spring boot microservices to process the messages into the Kafka cluster setup.
Involved in design and development of Graphql and services to interact with Data Storage layer
Implemented REST Microservices using SpringBoot. Generated Metrics with method level granularity and Persistence using Spring AOP and Spring Actuator.
Architected and implemented a highly scalable service using Node.js and Typescript, servicing over 500,000 requests daily with 99.99% uptime.
Mentored a team of junior developers, boosting team productivity and code quality through code reviews and pair programming sessions.
Experienced in integrating WebSphere Application Server and Deployment manager with IBM Http server, Oracle, DB2 and SQL servers.
Utilized third-party tools like Platinum for database operations including tuning, monitoring, backups & recovery, and data loads in IBM DB2.
Experienced leading a team of 5 engineers also guide and mentor junior software engineers.
Deployed and troubleshooted JAR, WAR, and EAR files in a clustered environment.
Configured JDBC providers and data sources for DB2 database connectivity.
Created Angular JS Directives, Components, Pipes, Injectable across the whole system, such as to build the custom filter. Highly used Angular Router to build single page application for navigation through the different status.
Worked on Reactjs Virtual Dom and React views, rendering using components which contains additional components called HTML tags.
Implemented spring controllers to handle requests, implemented helper classes to pass requests to different layers.
Developing scripts for build, deployment, maintenance and related tasks using Jenkins, Docker, Maven, python.
Implemented RESTful Web Service using REST and SpringBoot Framework integrating with reactjs
Developed a server-side application to interact with databases using Spring Boot and Hibernate.
Environment: Java 1.8, Angular11,8, Reactjs, Kafka, Spring, Spring Boot, J2EE, Hibernate, JSP, JavaScript, WebSphere MQ, XML, Python, Maven, Selenium, IBM DB2.

Client:Anthem, Indianapolis, In Nov 17 Dec 19
Role:Java Full Stack Developer
Developed Web pages from scratch using HTML5, CSS 3(using SASS) and JavaScript.
Used Angular 7 component router for navigation. Worked with Angular 7 directives, components, pipes, and injectable.
Programmed in Angular 7 to upload (post) files/images to the AWS S3 browser from the Front-end by installing NPM package of AWS-SDK.
Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component-based architecture provided by Angular 7.
Created SQL stored procedures in IBM db2.
Involved in the development of services with Angular 7 injectable property, as to make the service available for dependency injection when creating components.
Worked on Functional interfaces and Java Lambda expressions to incorporate them in the Streams API of Java 1.8 to perform filtering and grouping of the collections.
Performed Verification and validation process for the code written by making use of Jasmine and Karma JavaScript testing framework by testing across various scenarios of the react applications.
Worked with various features in spring such as Spring AOP, Spring Transaction management.
Implemented Spring Bean Factory using IOC Configured Bean properties using dependency injection.
Migrating existing application into REST based Micro services to provide all the CRUD capabilities using Spring Boot.
Experienced in deploying and Troubleshooting J2EE applications in WAR, JAR and Ear formats on various versions of WebSphere Application Servers and MQ Servers using various ways like Admin Console,wsadmin and wsadmin scripting tools such as JACL/Jython/Perl scripting. For compiling automated deployments.
Used Swagger specification for documenting REST API's which exposes description of a RESTFUL web services to different clients.
Worked with Netflix OSS Eureka service in spring cloud for service registration and discovery and spring config for centralized configuration and used ribbon for client-side load balancing.
Developed code with Java SDK to connect with AWS Services. Worked with S3 for storing and retrieving data stored in the S3 bucket's, AWS SQS for bulk email processing, Data backup and archiving on AWS using S3 and Glacier and Dynamo DB to store the data for metrics and backend reports.
Responsible for developing data pipeline by implementing Kafka producers and consumers and configuring brokers.
Worked on Deployment Automation of all micro services to pull image from Private Docker registry and deploy to Kubernetes Cluster.
Provided application support, design, user administration, security, performance tuning, optimization and
backup/recovery in DB2.
Used Node JS to run Angular 8 on server with mock JSON data and completed the UI development independent of server.
Converted Javascript tool to typescript for automatically triggering the CI pipeline in Jenkins.
Created AWS Lambda functions for AWS config rules using Node.js. Heavily used Lambda function on text object methods Context object properties using Node.js.
Develop AWS Lambda based Microservices interacting with DynamoDB & SNS/SQS using AWS SDK
Wrote services with Angular 8 to store and retrieve user data from the Mongo DB for the application on devices with HTTP service.
In-depth knowledge of database technology, DB2 UDB Distributed databases (DPF).
Designed and developed DAO layer with Hibernate standards , to access data from IBM db2.
Used Mongoose API in order to access the Mongo DB from Node JS and used Angular CLI and NPM for scaffolding the Angular 8 application.
Environment: Java, HTML5, CSS 3, JavaScript,Reactjs, Gulp, RESTful Web Services, Kafka, DB2 UDB LUW, Jasmine, Karma, Spring Boot, Jersey, Micro Services, Rest Services, AWS, Node JS, JIRA, Jenkins, Docker.

Client:Fifth Third Bank, Cincinnati, OH May 15- Oct 17
Role:Java Full Stack Developer
Developed application using frontend technologies such as HTML 5, CSS 3, TypeScript, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, Webpack, Angular CLI, Angular Material and Angular 2/4.
Responsible for implementing module wide routing in the application using Angular Router and created Route guards.
Created services that perform HTTP calls using Angular-HTTP to backend REST API for data retrievals.
Developed server-side services using Java multithreading, Java, Springs Core, Web Services
Exposed RESTful web services using JAX-RS. Implemented Angular promises to handle asynchronous communication with our Restful API for various requirements.
Performed ORM using Spring data JPA and created various JPA repositories for data retrievals from MYSQL database.
Monitored and managed critical z/OS resource through IBM Omegamon/BMC Mainview tool.
Worked with different IBM DB2 Tools like Admin and Automation Tools, QMF, Fileaid for DB2, Omegamon for z/OS, Visual Explain and Data Studio
Installed, setup, configured and managed high availability topology for Oracle and DB2 UDB environment
Developed REST microservices using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Docker, Docker Swarm and AWS.
Created ant build files to create the WAR files and involved in development of the system using the Spring MVC framework. Involved in development of Hibernate objects to persist data into the database.
Configure REST controllers, view resolver components and implemented transaction management using Spring declarative transaction management with Spring AOP concepts.
Tested the services for proper operations using Postman and developed unit test cases using Spring Boot, Mock MVC, Junit and Cucumber.
Responsible for writing ATDD scripts with Cucumber, testing manually as well as automated.
Enhanced existing REST API s by adding new operations using Spring, Jersey and created documentation for web services using Swagger.
Used AWS as the cloud infrastructure for the product development and implementation.
Environment:Java7, Spring 4.0, HTML5, CSS3, TypeScript, Angular2/4, NGRX, jQuery, Spring Boot, Websphere, AWS, RESTful, Bootstrap, JSON, XML, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, Postman, JUnit, IBM db2, Windows, MySQL, Docker and Angular CLI.
Client: Mars Telecom, Hyderabad,India May 12 Dec 13
Role:Java/J2EE Developer
Developed web application using JSF Framework that uses Model View Controller (MVC) architecture with JSP as the view.
Performed validation for client side as well as server side with the help of StrutsValidation Frame Work.
Involved in developing UML Use case diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagrams using Rational Rose.
Involved in the implementation of Stateless session beans(EJB) for business logic layer and Entity beans for persistence.
Involved in design of the database schema and development of Stored Procedures And Designing and implementing MYSQL HA databases.
Extensively worked on front end business and persistence tiers using Struts framework.
Performance tuning was done at the functional level and map level. Used relational SQL wherever possible to minimize the data transfer over the network.
Coded frontend components like JSP,Action and Action forms and utility classes.
Involved in the implementation of Stateless session beans(EJB) for business logic layer and Entity beans for persistence.
Developed Client User Interface for the agents using JSP.
Designed and developed web based modules using Servlets and JSP.
Used MVC Struts framework in the front end to develop the User Interface.
Form classes of Struts Framework to write the routing logic and to call different services.
Environment: Java, J2EE, MySQL, SOA, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, SQL, UML, EJB 3.0,Eclipse,Struts, JBoss, JNDI.
Keywords: continuous integration continuous deployment user interface message queue javascript access management sthree database zos active directory information technology microsoft procedural language California Georgia Ohio Texas

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