
OSMAN ALI KHAN - Java Developer
[email protected]
Location: Bentonville, Arkansas, USA
Visa: H1b
Name: Osman Ali khan
Email: [email protected]

Phone: +1 870 210 2115

Over 8+ years of experience working on JAVA/J2EE applications including UI templating and designing with HTML and Javascript frameworks. Well knowledge on professional tech stack and Software Development Life Cycle methodologies that includes development, system testing, maintenance and deployments.

Good knowledge of configuration management in Spring cloud using Zookeeper. Expertise in using Spring Cloud-Netflix OSS stack for micro services deployment and auto configurations like Ribbon for client-side Load balancing.
Proficient in implementation of spring frameworks like Spring MVC, Spring IOC/DI, Spring REST, Spring AOP, Spring Transaction Management, Spring Data, Spring DAO, Spring Batch.
Experience in developing User Interface with different technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript. Developed applications with AJAX for handling asynchronous calls that follows W3C Web standards.
Expertise in using Hibernate ORM, Ibatis for implementing persistence context using JPA (Java persistence API) which is a first level cache. Implemented flushing for batch process in Hibernate. In Hibernate implemented second level cache using EH cache, OS cache, Swarm cache, JBoss cache.
Strong experience in working with Relational databases like Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2 etc and NoSQL databases like MongoDB, CouchDB, GemFire, Redis, HBase etc.
Good understanding of Javascript ES-6 arrow functions, Object destructuring, block-scoped constructs, template literals, promises, multi-line strings and ES-7 async functions, Observables, Object Rest/Spread Properties.
Experience in using various ORM s for mapping objects to Databases like Hibernate ORM, Mongoose ORM. Proficient in using Spring JTA (java Transaction API) for transaction management to deal with more than one database, Spring Batch for automated complex processing of large volumes of information.
Expertise in implementing Spring JTA for transaction management and Spring JDBC to interact with Databases.
Great knowledge of writing PL/SQL scripts for executing more than one query at a time. Proficient in creating views for tables, writing stored procedures, writing Triggers.
Experience in using Mongoose connectors for mapping pure javascript objects to the MongoDB. Great understanding of Apache Cassandra driver for Node Js for Parallel Execution, request pipelining.
Good knowledge of implementing MVC architecture on client side using AngularJS, React with redux, React with flux, Backbone JS, Ext JS, knockout JS.
Expertise in implementing MVVM architecture on client side using Angular 2.x and above versions with typescript 2.7.
Expertise in working with JAVA8 features like Functional Interfaces, Lambda functions, Stream API, Time API, Transaction Management, Exception Handling, Collection API.
Experience in using javascript testing frameworks like Karma, Jasmine, Protractor for Angular 2.0/4.0 and Mocha and chai for React Js and Node JS.
Expertise in working with Hapi.JS to build reusable application logic by avoiding spending time on building infrastructure.
Hands-on experience working with nodeJS platform and using NPM for library management and BOWER for dependency management.
Expertise in using Hystirix (circuit breaker) library for lowering network latency and fault tolerance and Zuul gateway for routing, monitoring, security. Implemented the new message retry mechanism using Kafka in the event of downstream systems. Also implemented Kafka to act as a broker between the consumer and the producer.
Experience in using kibana and splunk for dashboard for log data and creating charts for analysis. Proficient in implementing ELK (elastic search, Logstash, kibana) for searching and server-side data processing pipeline to ingest data from multiple sources simultaneously.
Experience in developing using RESTful Web services using JAX-RS API and Jersey framework. Developed Restful services with JAX-RS with Spring REST.
Expertise in Developing applications using node JS Socket.io programming for persistence connection from client to the server.
Experience in configuring and setting up Microsoft Azure Hybrid connection to pull data from SAP systems. Proficient in creating solutions Architecture based upon Microsoft Azure PaaS service.
Expertise knowledge of creating instances using Amazon EC2 and using lambda server less programming. Proficient in using Aws Elastic Beanstalk for handling capacity provisioning and monitoring application health.
Experience in SOAP using JAX-WS API ad Apache CXF framework and automated the documentation using Swagger and WSDL.
Experience in developing various Web applications using Monolithic architecture using the technologies like Servlets, JSP, Structs, JSF, Spring I/O, Spring REST, Spring Security.
Good knowledge of Working on cloud Amazon Web Services (Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon simple DB, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon SQS, Amazon EBS and Amazon cloud front)
Strong working knowledge on deploying the pivotal cloud foundry to deploy PAAS (Platform as a service) , IAAS (Infrastructure as a service) and to run own applications.
Experience in Docker Container to address every application across the hybrid cloud and Docker for better collaboration and innovation.
Automated the deployment process by integrating code repository using build pipe line Jenkins, Bamboo and GoCD for continuous deployment.
Experience in using automation build tools like Bamboo, Jenkins, GoCD at server level and Maven, ANT, Gradle at development level (local).
Strong Experience in working with JAVA based testing frameworks like JUint, Selenium, TestNG, Mockito, Spock, Cucumber, Powermock, MockMvc, etc.
Experience in working with various version controlling tools like Git, SVN, Bitbuckets, TFS, CVS and different Project management tools like JIRA, Rally, Microsoft Project.
Experience in configuring and deploying applications on different application servers like ApacheTomcat, Weblogic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss and web servers like Apache HTTP Server, Nginx, Caddy etc.
Hands on experience in publisher and subscriber model with queues (JMS with active MQS, IBMQ). Implemented a metrics collection mechanism for the server by utilizing Apache Kafka to stream server-side events.
Great experience of working with authorization and authentication of web services using OIDC (Open ID Connect) on top of OAuth 2.0, site minder (for pol-based authentication and single-sign on) and JWT (JSON web tokens to securely transmit information between parties as a JSON object)
Good experience with automated Java based logging frameworks like log4J, sl4J, log-common.


Programming Languages C, C++, Java, PL/SQL

JavaScript Frameworks Angular JS, Angular 2+, jQuery, Node.js, Backbone.js, React.js, Express.js, Ember.js, Handlebars.JS
Java/J2EE Technologies Servlets, Spring, EJB, JPA, JTA, JDBC, JSP, Thymeleaf, JSTL, Java 1.8
Frameworks Struts 2.0/1.0, Hibernate 4.x/3.x, Spring 3.0, Spring Batch, Spring Security, Spring AOP, Spring Core, JSF, iBATIS, Spring IOC
Web Technologies HTML, HTML5, CSS/CSS3, AJAX, jQuery, Bootstrap, XML, Grunt, Gulp, JSON.
Database SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, Mongo DB, DB2
Cloud Technologies Amazon EC2, S3, simple DB, Elastic Load Balancing, SQS, EBS, cloud front, EKS and PCF.
Web Services XSD, WSDL, Apache Axis, SOAP, Restful, GraphQL, JAX RS, JAX WS
Messaging JMS (Java Message Service), IBM MQ, Apache Active MQ, Apache Kafka
Web Servers Oracle WebLogic 10.x/9.x, IBM WebSphere 8.x/6.x, Apache Tomcat 8.0/7.x/6.x
Application Servers ApacheTomcat, WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss
Methodologies Agile, Waterfall, OOAD, SCRUM
Testing Tools JUnit, Mockito, Jasmine, Karma, Mocha, Chai, Selenium
Version Control SVN, CVS, GIT,GITLAB
Build Tools Maven, Gradle, ANT
IDEs Eclipse IDE, RAD 6.0/7.0, Intellij IDEA, Spring Tool Suite (STS)
Operating Systems Windows, Linux and UNIX
Software Visual Studio, Rational Rose and Microsoft Office


Client: Ascap , NY. May 2022 - Till Date
Role: Java Full Stack Developer


Implement the web application using Full Stack technologies (Oracle DB, Express, Angular 6, Node.js) along with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap and other web technologies.
Developed a custom logging microservice using the technologies Angular 6, Node js and Oracle DB which can be Integrated into the existing application modules to log all the actions performed on the files like Approve, Cancel, Export etc.
Developed several reusable custom elements using the Angular elements available in Angular 6.
Implemented Angular Authentication using the HTTP interceptors and HTTP Client.
Designed and developed the ETL (Extraction Transformation and Loading) solution using the request module and the Oauth 2.0 protocol in node JS.
Extensively utilised the methods available in async library like async.parallel(), async.waterfall(), async.whilst(), async.eachof() etc to make the Oracle database transactions.
Developed the functionalities under Agile Methodology, JIRA processes and used JIRA for task assignment, bug tracking and fixture.
Followed TDD with the help of cucumber testing framework to test the APIs developed in nodejs using the Gherkin language, Mocha, Expect library.
Integrated third party grids into the Angular app like ag-grid, handsontable etc .
Migrated the code from Angular 5 to Angular 6 by making the utilization of the new commands provided by angular CLI 6 like ng update, ng add and also implemented the multiple project support with angular.json provided in Angular 6.
Expertise in implementing Angular 5 concepts like Angular-animate, Angular-cookies, Angular-Filter, Angular-Mocks, Angular-sanitize.
Used rxjs 6 of Angular 6 with the new methods and the new importing style according to the package structure change in Angular 6.
Designed database schemas and created various triggers, cursors, Oracle sequences, Oracle PL/SQL packages in the Oracle database.

Expertise in developing apps using Angular 6 custom elements (Angular Elements), rxjs 6 new pipe () operator and Angular CLI 6 commands ng update, ng add.
Managed the Angular state using rxjs powered state management solution NGRX.
Extensively utilized the Observables to handle the asynchronous events in the application.
Utilized the oracledb module in node js to connect, make database CRUD operations, execute oracle database package functions and stored procedures.
Unit testing is done using the jasmine for the code written using the Angular framework.
Created the server in node js using the Express middleware.
Implemented ES6 promises and ES7 async await for various database and third party API calls.
Utilised node-jsonwebtoken module to digitally sign and verify the tokens for API authentication mechanism.
Utilized job scheduler Appworx to schedule the calls to third party API and oracle database function, stored procedure calls.
Implemented the automatic documentation for the API using the Swagger an OpenAPI specification.
Created Azure Application Insights for track user activities and geographical count on users logged in to application. Utilized OpenTelemetry to customize user information and dashboard display in Application Insights. Created alerts for specific log messages in APPInsights.
Worked with Apigee gateway to Handle the Authentication and Authorization for the microservices before the requests reaches APIs.
Utilized the static content delivery and caching features of Apigee gateway.
Hands-on experience working with Terraform scripts and using Azure resource modules. Automated app Service scaling options using Terraform scripts for azure app services.
Created Azure Cloud Front url, WAF server for app services and configured Azure Traffic Managers to multiple instances of app services.
Configured Office 365 in azure to send email notifications for any alerts configured.
Used GITLAB for Version Control to maintain merge request policy with different branch for different environments
Used Continuous delivery / Continuous Integration (CD/CI) tool Jenkins to build the project upon passing the test cases written using cucumber.
Deployed the application from jenkins to the Nginx running on AppService instance using the SSH protocol and rsync utility.
Utilized the Nginx server feature reverse proxying to direct certain requests to the module running on a different APPService instance.
Used Splunk for automated logging of error messages.

Environment: HTML5, CSS, Angular 6, NodeJS, ExpressJS, JWT, OAuth 2.0, JIRA, GITLAB, Jenkins, HTTP/HTTPS, Firebug, Jasmine, Mocha, Cucumber, postman, Splunk, swagger API, Agile Methodology, Oracle, PL/SQL, ETL, Nginx, Apigee Gateway, Microsoft Azure.

Client: Charter Communication, Stamford, CT. Dec 2019 Apr 2022 Role: Java Full Stack Developer


Worked with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, XML, JSON, AJAX, and Bootstrap.
REACT JS Virtual DOM used for client-side view rendering services, React-Redux for state management and React-Router for programmatic navigation.
Involved in the creation of UI specification documents by interacting with business users and design documentation and data modelling for the entire project.
Implemented Pagination Components on UI using REACT Material designing. Used Rounded Pagination to display data in multiple pages.
Proficient in writing react code with help of ECMAScript (ES6) and JSX. Implemented Virtual Dom for Client-Side view rendering services using React Js.
Created database triggers to perform automatic data insertions/deletions on Audit Tables.
Used Amazon Dynamo DB to handle many request at once,it supports ACID transactions which enabled us to build business-critical applications at scale.
Used Kubernetes to create new cluster and container management tool.
Used Kubernetes to orchestrate the deployment, scaling and management of Docker Containers.
Implemented Spring Circuit breaker pattern, integrated Hystrix dashboard to monitor Spring micro services
Used MemCache to use it as in memory data store to speed up dynamic database-driven websites by caching data.
Worked with Web pack for bundling application source code in convenient chunks and for loading that code from a server into a browser
Used Splunk to create charts for the log data and analyze log data to know customer expectations.
Created reusable templates using Angular directives and worked with NPM package manager tools (Node JS).
Written several Axios service calls like get () and post() to make REST service calls.
Developed user interface by using ReactJs, Redux for SPA development and implemented client-side Interface using ReactJs.
Created responsive design and developed a single responsive website that could be served to desktop, Tablets and mobile users using React Js.
Worked with Microservice architecture using Spring Boot to modularized code and implemented Rest API s using Spring Rest and integrated Swagger API for documentation.
Implementation domain base classes providing basic properties using Spring Data.
Redux/NGRX and understanding of the Redux pattern
Developed reusable application logic by avoiding building infrastructure by Hapi.JS.
implemented platform modules through spring Java micro and Node.js services by employing Hapi.js, as well as front-end React JS.
Wrote Client-Side code using React JS and used NPM, directories to generate the server environments used browserify, flux to manage with targeted URL's (Unidirectional data flows) and to monitor the application.
Expertise in using React.js/Redux to build User Interface, strong knowledge of state store, middleware, action creator, reducer and container.
Deployed and Monitored Micro Services Using Spring Cloud Foundry Managed Domains and Routes with the Spring Cloud Service Registry.
Involved in writing Promises and call back function in Node Js to build microservices using Hapi.JS.
Worked on Docker hub, creating Docker images and handling multiple images primarily for middleware installations and domain configurations.
Used Load Balancer for accepting incoming traffic from clients and routes requests to its registered targets to EC2 instances.
Implemented Relational DataBase like Oracle and hands-on creating PL/SQL store procedures and functions for complex data flows and data base operations.
Performed Code building using Gradle.
Implemented unit test cases using Karma and Jasmine on client side.
Proficient with container systems like Docker and container orchestration like EC2 Container Service, Kubernetes, worked with Terraform.
Managed Docker orchestration and Docker containerization using Kubernetes.

Environment: AWS, AWS Load Balancer, EC2,Amazon Dynamo DB, Swagger, Node-JS, React Js, Web pack, ECMA6, Karma and jasmine, Spring 4.x, Spring Boot, Hystrix, Netflix ZUUL, Micro services architecture, Docker, Cassandra DB, OAUTH, Apache Kafka, Splunk,Kubernetes.

Client: Freedom Financial Network , New Hampshire. Oct 2018 - Nov 2019
Role: Java Full Stack Developer


Developed a set of the application functionality using CRUD (Create, read, update, delete) features of backbone.js.
Used backbone.js to create Controllers to handle events triggered by clients. Used backbone.js to bind event handlers using listenTo().
Used backbone.js as Model, Widgets as Controller, and jQuery template as View.
Developed RESTful Services and Web Service Clients (JAX-RS or JAX-WS) using jersey framework with data representation in different formats such as XML and JSON.
Participated in front end development using JSF 2.0, JavaScript, HTML 5, CSS 3.0.
Extensively used CSS and Bootstrap for styling the HTML elements.
Developed dynamic web pages using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Less, CSS3(SASS) and AJAX.
Used JQuery for view rendering of the web pages.
Implemented second level cache using Oracle Coherence for IBatis.
Worked extensively with persistence context (JPA) implemented by IBatis.
Designed, configured and deployed Amazon Web Services (AWS) for a multitude of applications utilizing the AWS stack (Including EC2, S3).
Integrated App Dynamics APM with AWS services and monitored the EC2 instances health on APP Dynamics.
Gulp used for modification of JavaScript files and for monitoring the application.
Developed SOAP services with JAX-WS using Apache CXF framework with data representation in XML format.
Worked with creating WSDL Documentation to act as a agreement between producer and consumer of the Web service.
Involved in migrating code from SOAP to RESTful services.
Written IBatis Criteria queries for data retrievals and have performed the ORM mappings to map java entities to database tables.
Written Mokito test scripts to automate the unit testing process
Worked with Jenkins for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).
Worked on Docker. Creating docker images and configurations using Dockerfile, worked with docker cli to build, pull and push images to Docker registry. Created a Docker hub which allows us to link our code repositories.
Created automation framework and test scripts using Selenium Web-Driver for multiple platforms and browsers testing.
Project code build is done using MAVEN tool.

Environment: JAVA, J2EE, Core Java, JSF, AJAX, JavaScript, Apache CXF, Rest Service, Jax-RS, WSDL, JQuery, Karma and jasmine, Multi-Threading, AWS, Jquery, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, ORACLE, IBatis, Docker, Mockito.

Client: CSM Tech Corp IT Services and IT Consulting ( India)

Role: Java Full Stack Developer May2015 Sep 2018
Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) on the application like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis and Code Development.
Developed UI pages using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX and JSON.
Developed client-side validation code using Javascript and JQuery.
Loading data from Text Files to Database by using SQL Loader.
Developed and implemented the MVC Architectural pattern using STRUTS 2.x framework.
Created Actions and action mappings for Struts and consumed data from backend to display on the UI template pages.
Worked with Log4J to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions.
Implemented IBM WebSphere Application Server to deploy the application.
Implemented POJO based action by STRUTS and also utilized various Tag Support given by the STRUTS 2.x. Implemented interceptor which is invoke at preprocessing and post processing of a request in STRUTS 2.x.
Implemented OGNL (Object Graph Navigation Language) of STRUTS 2.x to simplify the accessibility of data stored in the ActionContext.
Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, MVC Architectural, STRUTS 2.x, SQL Loader, IBM WebSphere, Log4J.

Keywords: cprogramm cplusplus continuous integration continuous deployment user interface message queue javascript sthree database active directory information technology procedural language Connecticut Idaho New York

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